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Source language
Norwegian natta, ser deg i morgen shure thing, tingeling
natta, ser deg i morgen

shure thing, tingeling
Francais de France

Completed translations
French Bonne nuit, je te verrai demain shure thing, tingeling
40Source language40
Albanian ja punojme gjith janar isha ne...
ja punojme gjith janar isha ne santodomingo punta cana,ishte nje mrekulli,si ne parajse por tani jam merzitur se jam ndar me te dashuren se nuk i zbaton rregullat e çilateve.

Completed translations
English Well, we work all day. In January I was...
Italian Beh, lavoriamo tutti i giorni.
Source language
French j'ai reçu la confirmation du clinet hier
j'ai reçu la confirmation du clinet hier

Completed translations
Dutch Gisteren heb ik de bevestiging van de klant ontvangen
Source language
Italian salve a tutti. sono una ragazza di 17 anni e sono...
ciao, sono una ragazza di 17 anni e sono italina. vorrei imparare la tua lingua. ti va di rispondere alla corrispondenza via blog? io mettero` dei commenti nel tuo e tu quando avrai tempo risponderai nel mio. grazie!

Completed translations
Dutch Hoi allemaal!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Aftò to amorfo tragùdi ghia séna tragudò
Aftò to amorfo tragùdi ghia séna tragudò
Ola ta glika ta lòghia sti mamà tha ta po
Me megalònis me agàpi ke triferòtita
Ise i pio glikìa mitra panda tha s'agapò.

Completed translations
Italian Questa bella canzone canto per te
Source language
Romanian Tot copil atomic ai rămas! Mi-e dor de tine!
Tot copil atomic ai rămas! Mi-e dor de tine!

Completed translations
Italian Sei rimasto il bambino atomico di una volta!
Source language
Swedish Skynda dig
Skynda dig! Jag längtar efter dig! Klockan är snart tre! Jag älskar dig!
längtan efter en person

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Date prisa!
Source language
French Bonjour et merci de votre accueil, c'est un réel...
Bonjour et merci de votre accueil, c'est un réel plaisir d'être reçu ici aujourd'hui

Encore merci à tous

Completed translations
Serbian Dobar dan i hvala vam na vašoj dobrodošlici, pravo je...
Source language
Swedish konjunktursvackan har lett till att...
konjunktursvackan har lett till att universitetsutbildad ungdom i Storbritannien har svårt att hitta arbete.

Completed translations
English The short-term downturn in the business cycle has lead to
Source language
Turkish bu soruya cevap vermek için, sizleri 4 yıl...
bu soruya cevap vermek için, sizleri 4 yıl öncesine götürmek istiyorum.
how can we say "4 yıl öncesine"..this part is more important for me...thanks

Completed translations
English back to 4 years ago
Source language
Turkish xxxkıtalar arası tatilin kapılarını sizlere...
xxxxxxxx,İstanbul, kıtalar arası tatilin kapılarını sizlere açıyor.
x ile yazılan yer aslında bir otelin ismidir.

Completed translations
English xxxxxxxx, Ä°stanbul, is opening...
French xxx ouvre ses portes
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian non capisco il significato
Dodirni me sasvim slucajno,poljubi me filmski nestvarno i najlepse kad je prestani,okreni se i nestani

Completed translations
Italian sfiorami
12Source language12
English The Colors of the Stars
In the morning, the stars are gray.
At noon, the stars are blue.
At night, the stars are golden…
French from France

Completed translations
Spanish Los colores de las estrellas
French Les Couleurs des Étoiles
Portuguese brazilian As Cores das Estrelas
Arabic ألوان النّجومِ
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian papa te pup dulce
papa te pup dulce
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Italian ciao e un bacio dolce da me
Source language
Romanian un sms particolare
Alfo, îmi place foarte mult de tine, dar "lumea" nu vrea ca noi să fim împreună, nu vreau ca tu să suferi din cauza mea, mi-e foarte greu, crede-mă, vom fi amici? Te pup!
è un sms, forse non ha utlizzato i caratteri corretti

Completed translations
Italian Un sms particular
Source language
Portuguese brazilian J. D. te amo muito, você é o tudo em meu...
J.D. te amo muito, você é o tudo em meu nada, te quero para sempre!

Completed translations
English J. D. I love you so much
Arabic انا احبك كثيرا
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian прив Привет, надеюсь я не помешала тебе своим...
Привет, надеюсь я не помешала тебе своим письмом. Я вижу, что ты красивый мужчина, мне было бы приятно познакомиться с тобой. Ты мне понравился, мне хочется с тобой общаться. Думаю ты будешь не против? Меня зовут Саша, я из России. Надеюсь на твой ответ.

Completed translations
English Hello, I hope I didn't bother you with my...
Italian Ciao, spero di..
Source language
Dutch Hhah nee die onzin hoef ik niet kijke kijke en...
haha nee die onzin hoef ik niet
kijke kijke en nie kope principe

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian dessa bobagem não preciso
Source language
Russian Владелец конторы: Адвокат Яков Розеншайн,...
Владелец конторы: Адвокат Яков Розеншайн, выпускник юридического факультета (LLB) университета ESSEX в Англии (1989 г). Он так же обладает первой и второй степенью по наукам о государстве Тель – Авивского университета и дипломом посредника (Бар – Иланский университет).

Особенностью работы Якова Розеншайна является высокий профессионализм и чуткий индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Proprietário do escritório: Advogado Yakov Rozenshine,...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Oie meu amor...como você mesmo sabe são quase 10...
Oie meu amor...como você mesmo sabe são quase 10 meses de namoro e eu to muito feliz ao seu lado. foram momentos de grandes alegrias para nós. as brigas não conseguiram separar a gente pelo contrario foram para nos fortalecer
eu te amo beijo
ingles britanico

Completed translations
Spanish Hola mi amor
English Hi my love...
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