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Translation - English-Bulgarian - it is a common skin complaint in which...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishBulgarian

Category Free writing - Health / Medecine

it is a common skin complaint in which...
Submitted by sahra-bg
Source language: English

it is a common skin complaint in which spots,blackheads and pimples appear on the face,nick and body

Това е разпространено заболяване на кожата

Translated by elina7lina
Target language: Bulgarian

Това е разпространено заболяване на кожата, при което петна, черни точки и пъпки се появяват по лицето, врата и тялото.
Remarks about the translation
Предполагам, че "nick" всъщност е "neck"
Validated by ViaLuminosa - 22 November 2008 21:23