Sveikas, sveikas Visai pamirsau, kad mes sita steptaklyje jau buvome. Turejau 4 bilietus i Uzsispyreles Sutramdyma, bet i tokius spektaklius galima vaikscioti ir ne karta, ar ne. Ar jau bilietus pardaviau savo buhalterei Viktorijai, ji eis su seimyna. Na, o as negalesiu, nes busiu isvykusi. Kaip tavo reikalai? Kita savaite busi Lietuvoje? Koks geras kriksto tevas esi. Malacius.:)
Hello, hello. I had completely forgotten that we'd already seen this play. I had 4 tickets to The Taming of the Shrew, but this kind of plays can be seen more than once, can't they? I've already sold the tickets to my accountant Victoria, she will take her family. I won't be able to go, because I will be traveling then. How are you? Will you be in Lithuania next week? You are such a good godfather. Good job.:)
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 13 April 2008 23:57