Umseting - Enskt-Latín - That's for me to know and you to find outNúverðandi støða Umseting
Bólkur Orðafelli  Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". | That's for me to know and you to find out | | Uppruna mál: Enskt
That's for me to know and you to find out | Viðmerking um umsetingina | This is an expression usually to say to someone that you won't tell them something sectret that you know. Simple. |
| Pars mea est scire pars tua est solvere | | Ynskt mál: Latín
Pars mea est scire pars tua est solvere |
Góðkent av jufie20 - 23 Oktober 2008 13:12