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Originele tekst - Braziliaans Portugees - Antes de adentrarmos no assunto específico de que...

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: Braziliaans PortugeesFrans

Categorie Wetenschap

Antes de adentrarmos no assunto específico de que...
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Opgestuurd door brunodebarros
Uitgangs-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

Antes de adentrarmos no assunto específico de que trata este artigo, o perispírito, o corpo semi-material que envolve o corpo físico e que igualmente reveste o espírito, matriz da matéria orgânica, corpo sutil que serve de ponte entre a matéria condensada e o espírito imortal, façamos breves comentários acerca de sua evolução ao longo da escalada humana, para que, ao término, entendendo a finalidade, funcionamento e a dinâmica do psicossoma, possamos compreender que tudo é Espírito
22 maart 2010 16:43

Laatste bericht


12 april 2010 11:09

Aantal berichten: 12396
Good morning Lilian!
What is your opinion about this text? I mean, is it clearly expressed in Portuguese? I'm evaluating a translation that was made from it into French and I would need a bridge, if possible.


CC: lilian canale

12 april 2010 12:39

lilian canale
Aantal berichten: 14972
The text uses long sentences and abuses of the relative clauses, that's why it seems hard to understand, but it's correct Portuguese

"Before entering the specific issue this article is about, perispirit, the semi-material body that involves the physical body and that also surrounds the spirit, matrix of the organic matter, the subtle body that serves as a bridge between condensed matter and the immortal spirit, let us make brief comments about its evolution in the course of human ascent, so that at the end, understanding the purpose, function and dynamics of psychosoma, we can understand that everything is Spirit"