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Vertimas - Anglų-Rumunų - What is here

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What is here
Pateikta rappforever
Originalo kalba: Anglų Išvertė IanMegill2

What is here are the answers
to the choices you have made until now
Listen, you should have confidence and go ahead
It's completely natural
The way a rainbow appears over the asphalt when the rain stops
A lonely wind blows
Pastabos apie vertimą
Translation + explanatory notes:
What is here (what remains) are the answers to (results of)
the choices you have made until now (lit: the "roads you have chosen until now")
Listen, you should have confidence and go ahead (continue living your life your way)
It's completely natural
The way a rainbow appears over the asphalt (i.e. the road) when the rain stops
A lonely wind blows

Ce este aici

Išvertė Ionut Andrei
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Rumunų

Ce este aici sunt răspunsurile
la alegerile pe care le-ai făcut până acum
Ascultă, ar trebui să ai încredere şi să mergi înainte
Este complet natural
Felul în care un curcubeu apare deasupra asfaltului când ploaia se opreşte
Un vânt singuratic suflă.
Pastabos apie vertimą
sau "Ce rămâne sunt răspunsurile..."
Validated by Freya - 11 vasaris 2010 13:21