Cucumis - Shërbim përkthimi në linjë falas
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Shteti ‎Brazil
Viti i lindjes1975
Vizita e parë31 Maj 2007
Vizita e fundit16 Dhjetor 2022 01:24
Numri perkates i pikeve te perkthimeve

Numri i pikeve virtuale per perkthimin

Gjuha kryesore ‎Portugjeze braziliane Portugjeze braziliane
goncin mund t'i lexojë këto gjuhë: FrengjishtAnglishtGjuha portugjezeSpanjishtItalishtEsperantoKatalonjePortugjeze brazilianeGjuha Latine
Përkthime - Preferenca
gjuha e tekstit origjinalFrengjishtAnglishtItalishtGjuha portugjezeEsperantoKatalonjeSpanjishtPortugjeze brazilianeGjuha Latine
Përkthe nëFrengjishtAnglishtItalishtGjuha portugjezeEsperantoSpanjishtPortugjeze brazilianeGjuha Latine
Portugjeze braziliane
Gjuha portugjeze
Gjuha Latine
About Goncin

(GMT -3)
(GMT -2 on daylight saving time, mid October through mid February)

Goncin is a 34-year-old Brazilian guy. He is system analyst by profession and a law alumnus by choice, and an Esperanto expert and administrator on

His passion for languages comes from his childhood. He is a native Brazilian Portuguese-speaker, managed to teach himself some English, Spanish, Italian and Esperanto, and, to a lesser extent, French and Latin.

You are always welcome on, and are free to contact me about anything about the best website ever!


Brothers in Arms
There’s so many different worlds,
So many different suns.
And we have just one world,
But we live in different ones.
(Dire Straits)

Rest in peace, Jim!:: Só o conhecimento emancipa o ser humano :: Nur scio emancipas la homon :: Only knowledge emancipates the man :: Μόνο η γνώση απελευθερώνει τον άνθρωπο :: Csak a tudás emancipálhatja az emberiséget :: فقط المعرفة هي التي تعتق الإنسان من العبوديّة :: Seule la connaissance émancipe l'homme :: Sólo el saber puede emancipar al hombre :: 지식만이 인간을 자유롭게한다 :: Tylko wiedza usamodzielni człowieka :: 只有知识才能解放人类 :: İnsanı yalnızca bilgi özgür kılar :: Solo la conoscenza emancipa l'uomo :: Len poznanie môže emancipovať ľuďstva :: Единствено познанието еманципира човека :: Само знање еманципира човека :: Endast genom kunskap kan en människa bliva fri :: Kun gjennom kunnskap kan en menneske bli fri :: Numai cunoaşterea îl emancipează pe om :: Enkel kennis emancipeert het menselijke wezen :: Kun viden frigør et menneske :: 人は知識によってのみ、解放される :: Bara vitan frígevur menniskja. :: Vain tieto vapauttaa ihmisen :: Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka :: Только знание освобождает человека :: Тільки знання робить людину вільною :: 只有知識才能解放人類 :: Nur das Wissen befreit den Menschen :: N'eus ken nemet an deskamant a zishual an den :: Sola scientia hominem emancipat :: Jen poznání může člověka osvobodit :: Només la coneixença emancipa l'home :: Samo znanje oslobađa čoveka :: Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka :: Ainult teadmised vabastavad inimest :: Vienīgi zināšanas atbrīvo cilvēku :: tlhabmoH Sov neH :: केवल ज्ञान ही मनुष्य को मुक्त करता ह :: Le znanje emancipira človeka :: Vetem dituria emancipon njeriun :: Tik žinios emancipuoja žmogų :: Aðeins þekkingin gerir manneskjuna frjálsa :: Само знаењето го еманципира човекот :: Hanya ilmu pengetahuan yang membébaskan manusia ::רק הידע משחרר את אדם ::