| |
| 14 March 2008 14:37 |
Party is over! get back to work now, hOoOoOtch!
'cause if JP's pic is not the right one, the Danish brute he came back with is REAL! |
| 10 August 2007 20:21 |
| I think it was Casper that asked about the pertinence of the pumpkin in the tale of Cinderella.
The pumpkin is a very modern invention in this "märchen" narrated by Perrault.
The pumpkin was added by Walt Disney (Cinderella - 1950). There is no mention of this cucurbitacae in Perrault's fairy story.
It is incredible how image can supercede oral tradition in this way. Cinderalla (Cendrillon en français) is a very ancient orally transmitted tale that Perrault adapted for his famous "Contes de ma Mère l'Oie" - Tales of Mother Goose - in the 17th century.
In English, the story of Cinderella was know under the name of "Cap o' Rushes" until Perrault's tale replaced it in most of Europe.
Two Italians, Giov Francesco Straparòla (Le piacevoli notti - 1550) and Giambattista Basile in (Pentamérone - 1634-36), both included adaptations of Snow white, The sleeping beauty... in their works long before Perrault (to whom they are often attributed).
Hehe, I love tales "märchen" and fairy tales "kunstmärchen".
I am trying to define the underlying symbolism for which each of them were invented and have been doing so for some years now.
| 10 August 2007 20:27 |
| Oh. Thanks.
I entered the Cinderella page on wikipedia but I didn't have patience to read.
I think Disney ruined a few stories (like Alice in Wonderland). What in the they think they are doing.
So good they didn't film 'Little Prince'( Le Petit Prince). It would become a movie for babies. |
| 10 August 2007 20:38 |
| Wow, Xini was not that shy...
and Xini, if you are young then you are young.
| 10 August 2007 20:41 |
| And this time he's not showing his spooky eye. |
| 10 August 2007 20:44 |
| I have a copy of Little Prince in u Corsu. I'll have to find it on the shelves and scan it and send it to Goncin.
In u Corsu it's called "Principellu"
| 10 August 2007 20:52 |
| By e-mail?
Put my adress there too, pleeeaase.
| 10 August 2007 20:53 |
| It is translated into swedish, norwegian and danish under the name: "Den lille prinsen"
| 10 August 2007 21:06 |
| OK; Xini's in it now too. I think I like it better without the names - what do you guys think?
| 10 August 2007 21:14 |
| I think the names is quite nice to see, at least for those who don't read the complete thread.
Why not put the names as a very small note in the right/left corner, of the photo, and use a suitable colour so they can be seen properly.
This is very nice and it is fascinating that we represent so many different languages and countries. Why not try to collect all experts and administrators... |
| 10 August 2007 21:19 |
| Wow. It would fill the whole Berliner Mauer. |
| 10 August 2007 21:20 |
| How about if I number the pictures and put a "legend" at the bottom? |
| 10 August 2007 21:31 |
| No, not with some expert and admins... it would be a very small Mauer then.
Kafetzou, yes notes or so whatever you find looks good!
| 10 August 2007 21:39 |
| 63 experts(and all admins are experts).
By the way: today Cucumis passed the number of 50.000 registered members. |
| 10 August 2007 21:47 |
| Yes if everybody submits a photo, I don't think they'll do that. Furthermore some of the experts are absent (esp. polish, out of my point of view) so it vill be almost like an extended EU flag!
Congratulations cucumis!
| 10 August 2007 21:58 |
| Or the Nepal flag:
Obs.: only red&blue part is the flag. |
| 11 August 2007 04:36 |
| Jealous, Casper?
| 10 August 2007 22:09 |
| I think we could use Lauras photo ring to illustrate the cucumis home page.
It's Thatha's comment about us having a breather because we're not translating machines, ut real human beings which coupled with Laura's photoshop beauty, that the idea came to mind.
I like it with the names over the photos, as Jim suggested, with a contrasting colour, so they stand out well, and maybe with the flag of the country for which the person expertises or for which they translate.
I used to be a layout artist, before being pensioned off. I have some great ideas, and can still visualise things well, but I never mastered DTP, so I can only make suggestions, not actually create any more
Hugs, bises, beijos, vänligen, baci, basgi
| 10 August 2007 22:19 |
| No, Jim.
Justa little cross-eyed, because it became hard to read the other messages. hahahahahha
As I am a webdesigner, I use to deal with image editors. I think I could make something about it, but Laura's poster is just great.  |
| 10 August 2007 22:24 |
| Oh a web designer, that is perfect. Couldn't Laura, Ruth (Tantine) and you do something out of Lauras idea then  !
I didn't intend to submit a flag that was so huge, it just happened... |