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صندوق - cucumis

469 درحدود 120 - 101 نتایج
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11 ژوئن 2006 19:36  

تعداد پیامها: 152
On the main page in Turkish:
"Cucumis, topluluk tarafından çevrilmek üzere metinler sunabileceğiniz bir websitesidir. Çevirmek mi istersin veya çevrilmek mi?"
Here, it should be the last sentence:
"Çevirmek mi istersin yoksa çevrilmek mi?"

And, generally, "point" means "puan". "sayı" is not a good translation I think.

16 ژوئن 2006 12:39  

paulo capela
تعداد پیامها: 1

18 ژوئن 2006 20:08  

تعداد پیامها: 1

27 ژوئن 2006 09:42  

تعداد پیامها: 1
انا اكتب شعر او بمعنى اصح خواطر باللغة الفرنسية ولكن اريد ان اعرف اذا كانت كتابتي لها صحيحة او لا فأرجو المساعدة ...

30 ژوئن 2006 03:06  

تعداد پیامها: 3
Thanks JP !

8 جولای 2006 22:03  

تعداد پیامها: 1
Bom me desculpe,não ter especificado os idiomas na verdade, na verdade falo fluentemente minha lingua portugusa do brasil,minha esposa é descendente de italianos e fala fluentemente o italiano,quanto as linguas orientais ,aprendi quando morei dois anos na asia em Xangai,e hoje ajudo em trabalhos e projetos as linguas asiaticas e o Ingles não preciso lhe falar,é quase uma segunda lingua aqui no Brasil,studo atualmente o espanol mas ainda estou em um nivel intermediario.

9 جولای 2006 08:14  

تعداد پیامها: 2
who can help me about vietnamese?

10 جولای 2006 04:09  

تعداد پیامها: 5
I have a question - I found a spelling mistake in the bulgarian page, who can correct it?
I am reffering to this - on every page for translation it is written - "Език, от който се превжда:" that is for "Language to translate from" but the last word should be "превежда", it is just one "e" missing
Best Regards

10 جولای 2006 17:15  

تعداد پیامها: 5
Ai, ai, the more I look, the more I see :P It is fine with me, but some words can not be corrected the way you describe, I get a message - No users found or something like this
Example - main page "Език, от който се превжда" I want to change the word "превжда", but I can not Help!

19 جولای 2006 20:57  

تعداد پیامها: 878

Could you remove this one? She accidentally did a wrong request

20 جولای 2006 21:44  

تعداد پیامها: 145
ok, no problem... I just translate what I am sure about...
Thank u

28 جولای 2006 11:39  

تعداد پیامها: 152
Turkish news:

"5000 üye
5000'den fazla kişi'a üye oldu ve buda cucumis.prg'un üyeleri olmadan hiç birşey olduğunu anlatıyor..Boş zamanlarını bize ayıran üyelerimize teşekkür ederiz özellikle de tüm çevirileri mümkün olduğun en iyi şekilde kontrol eden ve düzenleyen uzman üyelerimize teşekkürler.
10000. üyemizi bekliyoruz ve burada yapılacak çok iş var,arayüzeyleri temizlemek,daha kolay çevirilerin aranması,proje bölümünü geliştirme ve dil kursu tabii.. "

There are some wrong words as writing.

1) "...oldu ve bu da cucumis..."

"bu" and "da" must be separated.

2) "...üyeleri olmadan hiç birşey olduğunu anlatıyor..."

I can understand what it means, but I am sorry because I don't think that this sentence is right as translation...

3) "...teşekkür ederiz, özellikle de..."

There must be a comma between "ederiz" and "özellikle" to understand better.

4) "...mümkün olduğun en iyi şekilde..."

It is not hard to understand what this sentence means, but not ok as grammar and usage.

it may be like this:

"...mümkün olduğunca iyi şekilde..."
"...mümkün olan en iyi şekilde..."

5) "...iş var,arayüzeyleri temizlemek,daha kolay çevirilerin aranması,proje..."

There must a space after commas.

6) "daha kolay çevirilerin aranması"

That means: looking for easier translations
I think you want to say: looking for translations easier.(easier is not the adjective of tarnslations)

If I think right, it must be:
"çevirilerin daha kolay aranması"

I hope that's all. I wrote these here, because I want to see perfect. It is not a bad critisize, so I hope uzeyir(translator of this text) wont miunderstand what I wrote.

See you!

31 جولای 2006 23:18  

تعداد پیامها: 145
Thank you jp ! I think that everybody can not find my name, only Yoshio´s name... heheh For this I request again. By the way, I request a music translation (one of my firsts requests) but now someone sent me over my email. Like I dont know how I can erase, I putted the translation that I received and I translated this english´s translation to portuguese. The same I did with lituany phrases that I putted. May I erase the requests or no ?
Thank you very much !!!!!

1 آگوست 2006 14:36  

تعداد پیامها: 849
JP thanks. By the way, when the expert on Greek comes by, could you have him check and change one or two things?

I.e. In the "Send message" the second word is spelled wrong (I wonder if I made that mistake!)

The language "Greek" is translated with the word used to indicate a male Greek not as the language Greek (Ελληνική)

2 آگوست 2006 16:54  

تعداد پیامها: 878
3 more people and we've got 10.000 membersssss!!!

3 آگوست 2006 13:29  

تعداد پیامها: 145 ... This is not italian...

7 آگوست 2006 21:53  

تعداد پیامها: 4

Thank you for your welcoming message.
I descovered your site just a few days ago but i must say your idea was brilliant.
I think it's great that there are people all over the world willing to help in understanding eachother better and I for one hope I can do my best to have a small contribution to that.
Way to go Cucumus!!!

10 آگوست 2006 15:54  

تعداد پیامها: 849
Sorry for bothering you YET again but I cannot find the translation of "Greek" to " Έλληνας" to change it and for some reason, seeing it (it signifies a Greek person (masc) not the Greek language) grates on my nerves.

13 آگوست 2006 00:06  

تعداد پیامها: 135
JP: congrats for the 10,000th "cucumember"!

Many for everybody!


14 آگوست 2006 21:03  

تعداد پیامها: 145
ok, I did... sorry...
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