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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - We can call a clan to war whenever ...

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Kategori Fiktion / Fortælling - Spil

We can call a clan to war whenever ...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af EmreKLC
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

We can call a clan to war whenever diplomatic negotiations are taking place between two allies, or when an alliance is proposed between two clans and our own is at war with one that our proposed ally is not.
29 Oktober 2011 23:28

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30 Oktober 2011 00:11

Antal indlæg: 8114

30 Oktober 2011 00:37

Antal indlæg: 1331
I think it is a part taken from a game. I will translate but I don't understand the part "...our own is..."

30 Oktober 2011 00:44

Antal indlæg: 1524
Doesn't look like a homework ...

30 Oktober 2011 00:51

Antal indlæg: 8114
Oh - I see! Thank you rollingmaster!

I'm not familiar with games, but don't you think it refer to "our own CLAN is..." ?

30 Oktober 2011 01:14

Antal indlæg: 8114
And thank you Ernst. I've released it!!!

30 Oktober 2011 08:53

Antal indlæg: 1331
Thanks pias.