Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska
1)There is nothing strange in youngers' behaviour to love mobile phones and to ask for them to their parents even if they are only little children.
2)In the developing countries a telephone costs in general about 14% from an anual salary of a person who earns 1$ a day. It is less expensive than in the rich countries, but few people can afford to buy it.
3)The second manufacturer of mobile phones will provide the poor countries with mobile phones at prices that overcome any competition.
4)The ones who are well equiped in matters of communication often ignore the fact that millions of people practically have no means of communication whatsoever.
5) One could easily observe the explosion on the mobile phone market that have happened in the last 10 years.
6)If the technology continues its development, the consumer will be forced to dedicate an important part of his budget to these new shoppings.
7)A telephone at 200$ is certainly useful , but no one is disposed to give all that amount of money to which it has to be added a subscription and agreement.