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Översättning - Danska-Engelska - Forhandling af produkter

Aktuell statusÖversättning
Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: DanskaEngelska

Kategori Brev/E-post - Affärer/Jobb

Forhandling af produkter
Tillagd av Vagtholm
Källspråk: Danska

Tak for Deres hurtige tilbagemelding.

Vi vil komme tilbage til Dem med et oplæg indenfor de næste 14 dage på, hvordan vi ser mulighederne for, at man bedst muligt kan sælge Deres produkter på det danske marked.

Allerede nu barsler vi med en anderledes og spændende indgangsvinkel til at øge kendskabet til Jeres produkter her i landet.

Vi glæder os til at komme i dialog med Dem vedr. dette.

Med venlig hilsen
Anmärkningar avseende översättningen
Teksten skal sendes til USA.

products negotiation

Översatt av pias
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

Thanks for your fast response.

We will get back to you with a proposal within the next 14 days, about what possibilities there are to introduce your products on the Danish market.

We are already hatching a different and exciting approach now to increase the awareness of your products in this country.

We will look forward to corresponding with you about this.

Best regards
Senast granskad eller redigerad av kafetzou - 28 Oktober 2007 15:04

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27 Oktober 2007 19:39

Antal inlägg: 7963
I have made quite a few edits here, and I have one question for you: Do you really mean "feedback" (an opinion expressed about something) or should it be "response"?

27 Oktober 2007 20:24

Antal inlägg: 8114
Thank you for correcting...I know, sometimes my way of writing english is clumsy. I'm working on that

I checked the word feedback and when translating the danish word 'tilbagemelding' it says either feedback or reaction. Does that sounds strange?

27 Oktober 2007 23:57

Antal inlägg: 7963
Well ... it depends - as I said above, giving feedback means giving an opinion, not just a response to someone's inquiry. So if the correspondent had said something like "I really like your website", that would be feedback, but if he had said something like "We are interested in your company," that would be a response, because there is no opinion expressed.

28 Oktober 2007 04:29

Antal inlägg: 8114
ok, I really dont know what the rest of the text is saying, this part that should be translated is saying nothing about it, but my guess is that the reciever had produced some sort of proposal...
Maybe, It is best to be more like neutral, and write to your sugest: respons.

Should I correct that?

28 Oktober 2007 10:02

Antal inlägg: 1670
About the response-feedback discussion: it really should be "response" and not feedback in this context.

Some other comments:
(1) In the Danish text, it doesn´t say "we will get back to you AGAIN", just "we will get back to you".
(2) "Oplæg" = "proposal" and not "further information".
(3) The sentence that starts "Allerede nu barsler vi med en anderledes og spændende indgangsvinkel" actually says "Already now we are giving birth to a different and exciting approach" --> Barsle = give birth to (figuratively) and indgangsvinkel = approach.

28 Oktober 2007 09:34

Antal inlägg: 8114
Thank you Anita_Luciano for your feedback!
I think you know what you are talking about, so I will make thoose corrections.
I hope that is ok. Kafetzou...??
I'll try and see what you think.

28 Oktober 2007 14:52

Antal inlägg: 7963
A agree with all of these corrections except for the "giving birth to" one. Even though everyone will understand it, it sounds awkward in English. I actually like your original idea of "hatching" better, so I will change it back.

Also, we don't begin sentences with "already now" in English, so I will change the word order.

Is this OK with you two now?

28 Oktober 2007 14:54

Antal inlägg: 8114

28 Oktober 2007 15:03

Antal inlägg: 1670
yes, it sounds much better now! I liked the verb "hatching" in this context.