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Prevod - Turski-Engleski - Biz böylemi gördük babamýzdan Ele güne rezil...

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Ovaj tekst je raspoloziv na sledecim jezicima: TurskiEngleskiHolandski

Kategorija Pesma

Biz böylemi gördük babamýzdan Ele güne rezil...
Podnet od kurdgirl
Izvorni jezik: Turski

Dag basinda bir gül gibi
Boynu bükük kalan yarim
Dikenleri acilanan yüregime eken yarim

Bir kez sana baglanmisim
Ben kendimi heey unutmusum. heey
Askin ile kavrulmusum, sevdan beni kül eyledi. (2x)

Berivanim, berivanim, boynu bükük dag ceylanim
Berivanim, berivanim, köy kokulu dag ceylanim

Berivanim, dag cicegim
Bir gün sana dönecegim
Töreleri asireti senin icin yenecegim

Bir kez sana baglanmisim
Ben kendimi heey unutmusum. heey
Askin ile kavrulmusum. sevdan beni kül eyledi. (2x)

Berivanim ey ey, berivanim, boynu bükük dag ceylanim
Berivanim eey eey eey, berivanim, köy kokulu dag ceylanim


Preveo kafetzou
Željeni jezik: Engleski

Like a rose at the entrance to the forest,
My humble sweetheart
My sweetheart, whose thorns are planted in my grieving heart

I was once connected to you
I had forgotten myself - hey
I was burning up with your love, your love had turned me to ash. (2x)

My Berivan, my Berivan, my humble mountain gazelle
My Berivan, my Berivan, my mountain gazelle with the village scent

My Berivan, my mountain flower
One day I will return to you
I will defeat the ancient tribal customs for you

I was once connected to you
I had forgotten myself - hey
I was burning up with your love, your love had turned me to ash. (2x)

My Berivan, hey, hey, my Berivan, my humble mountain gazelle
My Berivan, hey, hey, hey, my Berivan, my mountain gazelle with the village scent

Poslednja provera i obrada od samanthalee - 12 April 2007 02:34