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25Tercüme - İngilizce-Çince - ''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule...

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''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule...
Öneri Una Smith
Kaynak dil: İngilizce

'''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule produced in the developing [[embryo]] and [[fetus]]. Blood tests to measure AFP have two main applications: (1) in pregnant women, as a screening test for some kinds of [[congenital malformation]] and (2) in adults and children, as a [[tumor marker]] for some kinds of [[tumor]].
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''', [[, and ]] are Wikipedia codes; please leave them in.


Çeviri samanthalee
Hedef dil: Çince

Çeviriyle ilgili açıklamalar
''', [[, 與 ]] 均為維基百科代码; 翻譯時,請務必保留。

There is an inconsistency in the original English text.
"Blood a screening test" is correct.
but "Blood a tumor marker" is incorrect. The protein itself is the tumor marker, not the blood test...
En son humanlot tarafından onaylandı - 9 Nisan 2007 08:32

Son Gönderilen


9 Nisan 2007 15:56

Una Smith
Mesaj Sayısı: 429
Yes, the English source is a little awkward. That's okay. The translations will be used as "stub" articles on multiple language wikipedia; I expect those articles will be edited so that they "speak" to each cultural audience. I think this will be more effective, both on cucumis and on wikipedia, than writing a polished article in one language and only then translating the polished article into other languages.

Thanks, all.