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Tłumaczenie - Angielski-Włoski - He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. ''Peple...

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He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. ''Peple...
Wprowadzone przez markjoseph1690x
Język źródłowy: Angielski

He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. ''Peple say a poisonous snake killed me but they are wrong. i was sleeping in my garden when Claudius came and he put poison in my ear! it was a painful death. your uncle is very evil man. you must take revenge for my murder and kill him! But please, do not harm your mother!' then the ghost disappeared.

polonius knew that Hamlet was in love with his daughter, ophelia. he sent her to look for Hamlet


Tłumaczone przez ali84
Język docelowy: Włoski

Prese da parte Amleto e gli parlò. “La gente dice che un serpente velenoso mi ha ucciso ma si sbagliano. Stavo dormendo nel mio giardino quando venne Claudio e mi mise del veleno nell’orecchio! È stata una morte dolorosa. Tuo zio è un uomo molto malvagio. Devi vendicarti del mio assassinio e ucciderlo! Ma per favore, non far del male a tua madre!” quindi il fantasma sparì.

Polonio sapeva che Amleto era innamorato di sua figlia, Ofelia. La mandò a cercare Amleto.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez zizza - 14 Kwiecień 2008 14:30