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Tekst oryginalny - Łacina - Naphta bituminis est liquidi ...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: ŁacinaAngielskiHiszpański

Kategoria Edukacja

Naphta bituminis est liquidi ...
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez urisputnik
Język źródłowy: Łacina

Naphta bituminis est liquidi genus: in mare manat Montibus e Siculis, fluidisque supernatat undis; spongia eam excipiunt nautae, expressamque recundunt ollis, ut varios hominum servetur in usus

Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
es una frase escrita a los pies de una pintura de Johannes Stradanus

más información en

Thanks to Efylove who could decipher this text and suggest these edits (03/11/francky)

Before edit : "
Naptha Bituminis est liquidi genis: in mare manat Montibus è Siculis, fluidisqi supernatat undis: Spongia eam excipiunt Nauta, expressamag recundunt Ollis, ut varios hominum seruetur in usus."
Ostatnio edytowany przez Francky5591 - 11 Marzec 2009 22:47

Ostatni Post


9 Marzec 2009 23:39

Liczba postów: 12396
 pintura de Johannes Stradanus.jpg Well it's too small for me to be able to read, but it seems "fluidisqi" and "expressamag" are not Latin words.

What do you think efylove? Thanks a lot!

CC: Efylove

10 Marzec 2009 13:21

Liczba postów: 5
YEAH, you are right but, if you click on the photo, it links to a bigger photo where you can see all the sentence.

Can you do something with the rest of the sentence?

thanks a lot

10 Marzec 2009 14:17

Liczba postów: 12396
Hi urisputnik, No, I can't see it bigger, and I can't click on it, as pointer remains arrow shaped, not the hand that means you can enlarge pic by clicking on it. Can you?

And are you sure these two words "fluidisqi" and "expressamag" are in the original text?

10 Marzec 2009 15:12

Liczba postów: 1015
I think it's necessary to see the original text ("genis" is wrong, it should be "genus"; "fluidisqi" could be "fluidisque" and "expressamag" doesn't exist). But I can't enlarge the picture...

10 Marzec 2009 15:17

Liczba postów: 12396
Thanks a lot Efylove!

Urisputnik, what Efylove said confirmed what I said about the fact we can't enlarge the pic in order to better see the text.

Please, if you ever see better than we can do, can you edit this text? as we can't translate a text that is erroneous and it will be removed. Thank you.

10 Marzec 2009 20:10

Liczba postów: 5
Thanks, I'll try to post a bigger photo, I'm doing my best!
Please don't remove the text!!



10 Marzec 2009 20:13

Liczba postów: 5,-Plate-86-From-Venationes-Ferarum,-Avium,-Piscium-Of-Hunting-Wild-Beasts,-Birds,-Fish-Engraved-By-Jan-Collaert-1566-1628-Published-By-Phillipus-Gallaeus-Of-Amsterdam.jpg

bigger one!

thanks in advance!

11 Marzec 2009 02:48

Liczba postów: 12396
Don't worry I won't remove this text at the moment

About this "express..." it could be this verb (meaning in bold)

exprimo, ĕre, pressi, pressum [ex + premo] : - tr. - 1 - presser fortement, comprimer. - 2 - faire sortir en pressant, exprimer, extraire. - 3 - au fig. tirer de, arracher de, obtenir par force, extorquer. - 4 - élever par la pression, faire monter. - 5 - reproduire, représenter, dépeindre, imiter, copier. - 6 - traduire (un texte). - 7 - prononcer, articuler. - 8 - exprimer, dire, exposer, énoncer clairement, déclarer formellement.
- oleum ex amygdalis exprimere : exprimer (extraire) l'huile des amandes.
- expressi, ut conficere se tabulas negaret, Cic. Verr. 2.3.47.§ 112: j'ai arraché de lui l'aveu qu'il ne tenait pas de comptes.
- ab aliquo aliquid exprimere blanditiis : arracher qqch à qqn par la flatterie.
- vi pecunia expressa : argent extorqué par la violence.
- aquam in altum exprimere, Plin. 31, 3, 23, § 39 : faire monter l'eau.
- exprimere verbum e verbo : traduire mot à mot.
- risum exprimere : faire rire.
- vitam patris exprimere : imiter son père.
- voir expressus.

source :

But I'm sorry, my eyes aren't good enough to figure out exactly what could be written after "express..."

And about the Latin, it is probably New Latin :

Efylove, could you help us to find out what is written on this pic? I hope you've got better eyes than me...

11 Marzec 2009 02:50

Liczba postów: 12396
Sorry I forgot to CC Efylove.

CC: Efylove

11 Marzec 2009 20:56

Liczba postów: 1015
"Genis" is definitely "genus". And it seems that the last two letters of "fluidis.." are similar to the last ones of "expressam.."; it may be the conjunction "-que".

So: "Naphta bituminis est liquidi genus: in mare manat Montibus e Siculis, fluidisque supernatat undis; spongia eam excipiunt nautae, expressamque recundunt ollis, ut varios hominum servetur in usus".

11 Marzec 2009 22:44

Liczba postów: 12396
Thanks so much Efylove! I'll edit with what you found out, then I'll release the translation request.

13 Marzec 2009 19:28

Liczba postów: 5
thank you very much Efylove and Francky!!!

16 Grudzień 2010 00:22

Liczba postów: 4611
Hi dear. Could you edit into lower case. Thanks.

CC: Aneta B.

16 Grudzień 2010 00:56

Aneta B.
Liczba postów: 4487
Hi dear.
I would edit with pleasure if it was a text in upper case indeed. Meanwhile it is in lower case.. Only the title is different, but we don't care about titles. Do we?

16 Grudzień 2010 01:16

Liczba postów: 4611
I think my eyes become tired. Thought ALL was in upper cases. And you are right. We don't edit titles.
Sorry dear.

16 Grudzień 2010 01:22

Aneta B.
Liczba postów: 4487
No problem at all. But please do not give overload to your eyes...

16 Grudzień 2010 01:27

lilian canale
Liczba postów: 14972
Hi, girls,

Yes, we care about titles and edit them if needed
They are also part of our database, so, they have to be in lower case and in the target language (the two most common flaws I've seen while reviewing the database)

16 Grudzień 2010 01:28

Liczba postów: 4611
Thanks again Lilian. Aneta, please.........

CC: lilian canale

16 Grudzień 2010 01:30

Aneta B.
Liczba postów: 4487
Please? What? Lilian has already done it.. hehe

16 Grudzień 2010 01:44

Liczba postów: 4611
hehe, too fast for us.