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Tłumaczenie - Angielski-Rosyjski - There was a contention as far as a suit

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiRosyjski

Kategoria Literatura - Kultura

There was a contention as far as a suit
Wprowadzone przez ramarren
Język źródłowy: Angielski

There was a contention as far as a suit, which of the religious orders should ring to prayers first in the morning; and it was determined, that they should ring first that rose earliest.

До разбирательства существовало разногласие
Wymagana wysoka jakośćRosyjski

Tłumaczone przez ramarren
Język docelowy: Rosyjski

До разбирательства существовало разногласие, какой из духовных орденов должен первым звонить молящимся утром; и было определено, что следует звонить раньше, чем встают самые ранние молящиеся.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez ramarren - 2 Luty 2007 06:32

Ostatni Post


3 Luty 2007 07:19

Liczba postów: 972
How could it be? A text submitted (in a very strange English), translated (high quality!!!) and validated by the same person!
Actually, only the person who wrote that could understand what it meant!!!

5 Luty 2007 05:29

Liczba postów: 291
Well, the answer is not simple, but I shall try to explain The translation was made by user "grenadine", but she is not expert, and that's why she sent me the translation with personal message. I found it's quality quite acceptable and just placed her variant where it should be and gave to grenadine the points which she deserved The main trick is that oficially all was made by myself, because I am an expert and grenadine is not. But I think that generally all is quite fair

5 Luty 2007 07:21

Liczba postów: 972
The problem is not the Russian text, which I would not dare evaluate, of course; the problem is the English text, which being a very weird English, is quite difficult, if not impossible, to understand. How could you, or grenadine, understand what it means?

5 Luty 2007 07:52

Liczba postów: 291
Well, I do not know, may be it would be better to ask this question to grenadine? Eventually, it is she, who appeared able to understand and translate it I tried also, but my translation appeared wrong, I misundersood it By the way, the text is of an author from 17th century =)))))

5 Luty 2007 08:35

Liczba postów: 972
OK, I can understand it now. You should have written that is a XVII century text! Thank you, Ramarren.