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Tekst oryginalny - Grecki - Auti dimosieutike stin Eleutherotypia Bravo sou...

Obecna pozycjaTekst oryginalny
Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: GreckiPortugalski

Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Auti dimosieutike stin Eleutherotypia Bravo sou...
Tekst to przetłumaczenia
Wprowadzone przez bigagoya
Język źródłowy: Grecki

Auti dimosieutike stin Eleutherotypia -

Bravo sou exairetiki
Ostatnio edytowany przez cucumis - 18 Maj 2007 21:57

Ostatni Post


20 Maj 2007 08:59

Liczba postów: 849
Urgh! I cannot remember how "exceptional" (fem) is in Portuguese.

The text says "This was published in Eleutherotypia" (name of a Greek newspaper. It means Free press but I don't think it should be translated)

Bravo to you (I congratulate you), exceptional.

Apart from temporary amnesia, which a dictionary could fix, I am not so sure about the gender thing. You see I ASSUME it refers to a review or something of the kind. Now a) amnesia (and having just woken up) means I don't remember the gender of "review" either b)I am only assuming it talks about a review.

What's your views?

20 Maj 2007 12:25

Liczba postów: 15
"excepcional" for both masc and fem.
One might say "ela saiu no Eleutherotypia" meaning in portuguese that she either had her article published in that paper or an article was published about her. Or maybe "αυτή" refers to something else other than a person (a review?), in such case "isto foi publicado no Eleutherotypia" might be used.

20 Maj 2007 19:51

Liczba postów: 849
Kristine thank you so much! Before I go hit myself on the nearest available corner how do you think it should be translated? I mean the way the Greek text is phrased it is not equivalent to "she was published" but to "IT was published" although "it" happens to be of the female gender in Greek. I'd go with the second but then I am not an expert at Portuguese

21 Maj 2007 18:50

Liczba postów: 15
Hello Irini
Well, I'm not an expert at Greek either... if the greek text intends "IT was published" then choices may be:
"isto foi publicado" = this (article?) was published ("isto" : undefined pronoun ~ "αυτό" ) .
"ele foi publicado" = it (the article) was published ("o artigo" : masc).
"ela foi publicada" = it (the review) was published ("a crítica : fem" ) .
"foi publicado" = (it) was published (no subject, so anything fits).
"saiu no Eleutherotypia" could be a colloquial choice.

I'd go for:

"Foi publicado no Eleutherotypia"
"Parabéns, excepcional"

Instead of "Parabéns" (congratulations), "Bravo" can also be used.

22 Maj 2007 09:03

Liczba postów: 1
Muito obrigado pela ajuda que me deram!

23 Maj 2007 11:47

Liczba postów: 849
Kristine you are perfect!!