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Inglês Polyamides (PA), high-performance, for severe...
Polyamides (PA), high-performance, for severe environments; high-temperature glues; typically applied at over 200 °C, but can degrade and char during processing. In molten state can somewhat degrade by atmospheric oxygen. High application temperature. High range of service temperatures, generally showing adequate bonding from -40 to 70°C; some compositions allow operation to 185°C if they do not have to carry load.
who want to help me for converting this article please!!! it is universty project where is my hero?

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Turco Yüksek performanslı, son derece kötü...
Idioma de origem
Inglês Guinea pigs
Guinea pigs (also commonly called cavies after their scientific name) are rodents belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, the animals are not pigs, nor do they come from Guinea.

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Árabe خنزير غينيا
Italiano Maialini d'India
Idioma de origem
Francês la brume tombe
la brume tombe

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Chinês simplificado 霜降
Italiano scende la foschia
Idioma de origem
Inglês I love you with all my heart, and I'll always be...
I love you with all my heart, and I'll always be with you no matter what.

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Italiano Amore Eterno
Catalão T'estimo de tot cor, i estaré sempre...
Idioma de origem
Alemão Nach einigen Jahren schöpferischer Pause habe ich...
Nach einigen Jahren schöpferischer Pause habe ich erkannt, dass unser Markt, der Markt des Direktvertriebes und des Networks, bei der rasanten Weiterentwicklung unserer Welt nicht mitgehalten hat.
die Veränderung der Gesellschaft, die Entdeckung der Individualität, der Selbstdarstellung und der Selbstverwirklichung wurde schlichtweg verschlafen. Ich komme zurück und ich komme mit einer Innovation, die unseren Markt wieder zurückführt zu alter Stärke. Der Direktvertrieb wird nicht mehr hinterher hinken, sondern wieder Schrittmacher sein.

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Turco Yaratıcı bir kaç yıllık aradan sonra
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês The taut lids of the eyes,forced back over the...
The taut lids of the eyes,forced back over the bulging , lagophthalmic orbits as we saw , were half closed.The head, the scalp ravaged with the violent skin disease, was still swathed in the cloth soaked in vinegar.

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Turco Şişkinliğinin üzerine baskı yapılmasıyla...
Idioma de origem
Turco sevgili merve ben ve erkek ...
sevgili merve

ben ve erkek arkadaşım bir haftalıgına cubaya tatile gitmek istiyoruz orası çok egzotık ve çok güzel bir denizi var,erkek arkadasımla orayı kesfetmek ve dınlenmek istiyoruz, bıze cuba hakkında bılgı verebilirmisin,nerede kalabiliriz ne yiyebiliriz,ne kadar nakıt almalıyız gıbı,yardımcı olursan sevinirim..

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Espanhol Me gustan los hombres y Merve
Idioma de origem
Inglês Wing anti-icing valves returned from service have...
Wing anti-icing valves returned from service have revealed a secondary corrosion problem. The condition takes the form of white corrosion products on, and blistering of the the chromed bore of the valve body assembly. Corrosion around the shaft and its bearings has also been reported. The extent of this corrosion fault is not known nor if it is time- or time- and temperature-related
Havacılık ile ilgili teknik ingilizce paragrafı

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Turco Bakımdan geri gönderilen ....
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês But what I like best about ...
But what I like best about Remembering Night are the clothes. We usually wear what we like on Just Like Home but the clothes must have the name of our name animal on them For example I always have the word 'Hummingbird' on my clothes, which means my name is Hummingbird Hummy for short
Just Like Home = Gezegenin adı

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Turco En çok sevdiğim şey ...
Idioma de origem
Inglês The Red Guards are communists who have risen in...
The Red Guards are communists who have risen in open rebellion against the government, and, more importantly, against all of what they consider to be the reactionary trappings of the bourgeois state, and even society. In opposition to the institutions of religion, tradition, private ownership and family, these revolutionaries seek instead to establish a 'Dictatorship of The Proletariat', the first step on the long, corpse-strewn way to the promised classless utopia of Communism.

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Turco Kızıl Muhafızlar, hükemete karşı...
Idioma de origem
Francês Les organisations internationales sont donc impuissantes?
En quelques années, le programme alimentaire mondial a perdu la moitié de son budget, qui n'est plus que de 3,2 milliards. Les pays riches ne cotisent plus. Ils doivent sauver leurs banques. C'est à dire les spéculateurs.
La lutte contre la faim dans le monde passe après. J'appelle cela un crime contre l'humanité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler, recueillis par un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive".

Traduções completas
Inglês So, are international organizations powerless?
Italiano Le organizzazioni internazionali sono dunque impotenti?
Grego Τελικά είναι ανίσχυροι οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί;
Espanhol ¿Entonces las organizaciones internacionales son impotentes?
Alemão Die internationalen Organisationen sind also machtlos?
Português brasileiro Então as organizações internacionais são impotentes?
Sueco Är internationella organisationer maktlösa?
Holandês Dus, zijn internationale organisaties machteloos?
Dinamarquês SÃ¥ er internationale organisationer magtesløse?
Romeno Organizaţiile internaţionale sunt deci neputincioase?
Búlgaro Безсилни ли са международните организации?
Persa (farsi) بدین سان، آیا سازمان های بین المللی ناتوان هستند؟
Russo Международные организации бессильны?
Chinês simplificado 国际组织是无能的吗?
Norueguês Er Internasjonale organisasjoner maktesløse?
Turco Yani uluslararası organizasyonlar güçsüz mü?
Idioma de origem
Inglês Harl stared down at the small glass of whisky in...
Harl stared down at the small glass of whisky in his hand. Rennis, beside him drank his whisky fast and held out his glass for some more. 'Well', Rennis said, 'where are they,Harl?' Did these telepaths hear us coming and decide to fly off to a nicer planet than Earth? If so, they heard us a long way away-while we were still somewhere near Centauri- because there is a tree out there on that airfield which is forty years old, if not more. Harl drank his whisky.

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Turco Telapatistler
Idioma de origem
Inglês Sir, We have received your email with your...

We have received your email with your mailing address as requested and we want to inform you that we need a copy of your identity in attached form as we have inquired the mailing information and here are the info.

Ups 105 Dollars
Dhl 126 Dollars

You have to choose from the above courier company and also send your identity so that I will tell you how to send the money for the immediate posting of the check to you.

We await your email response.

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Turco Beyefendi, sizin e-mail adresinizi sizin...
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Turco Çocuklarına Ahmet ve Mehmet ismini verdiler....
Çocuklarına Ahmet ve Mehmet ismini verdiler. Çocuklarını hastaneden evlerine getirmişlerdi. Ahmet ise her şeye ağlardı. Halime Mehmeti kucağına aldığında Ahmet hüngür hüngür ağlardı. Artık Mehmet ve Ahmet 5 yaşına gelmişlerdir. Babaları onlara doğum günü hediyesi olarak iki tane kamyon almıştı. Mehmet ve Ahmet artık çok iyi geçinirlerdi. Birlikte oyunlar oynarlardı. Ahmet mehmetten daha kilolu ve uzundu. Ama yüzleri birbirlerine çok benziyordu. Bundan dolayı herkes isimlerini karıştırırdı.

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Inglês They named their children...
Idioma de origem
Persa (farsi) خوشا صفای صبوحی
خوشا صفای صبوحی
صدای نوشانوش
ز جمله می خواران
خوشا شرار شراب و
ترنم باران...
گلی برای کبوتر
گلی برای بهاران
گلی برای کسی که
مرا به خود می خواند
ز پشت نیزاران***
"حمید مصدق"

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Inglês How pleasant is the serenity of morning drinking
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Holandês uw kind woon bij uw partner buiten nederland.voor...
uw kind woon bij uw partner buiten Nederland. Voor kinderen die in het buitenland wonen, gelden andere regels. Wij bekijken bijvoorbeeld of en hoeveel u betaalt voor het onderhoud.
In het meegestuurde formulier stellen wij de vragen die van belang zijn. Wilt u dit formulier invullen en zo snel mogelijk, maar in ieder geval voor 5 juni 2012 aan ons terugsturen?

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Polonês Twoje dziecko żyje ze swoim partnerem poza HolandiÄ…...
Idioma de origem
Inglês People in every era loved flowers, but Japanese...
People in every era loved flowers, but Japanese predecessors in ikebana felt that flowers were not only beautiful but that they could reflect the passing of time and the feelings in their own hearts.

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Turco İnsanlar her çağda çiçekleri sevmiştir ama Japon...
Idioma de origem
Inglês While Turkish history textbooks with racist views...
While Turkish history textbooks with racist views were read in Turkish schools, Atatürk
welcomed many Jewish professors, who had been fired from their jobs by the more aggressive
racial program of the Nazi Party in Germany, to Turkish universities in 1933. The
Jewish professors replaced Turkish professors who had been fired from their jobs
because they did not embrace the Kemalist ideology

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Turco Türk okullarında
Idioma de origem
Inglês you have paid 200 USD deposit and when receiving...
you have paid 200 USD deposit and when receiving the job offer (no matter if you will accept it or not) you were obliged to pay 200 USD for it which you never did.
Spirit has charged Viking the full price of a Premium Program. You have refused to take care of the rest of the payments towards Viking and Spirit.
As explained to you orally in our office because of the reasons outlined above and with accordance with your contracts with Viking and Spirit no refund is due since you have decided to cancel your participation in the Program after a valid job offer was issued to you.
That is why Viking did not issue you a full refund and paid the expenses exceeding 200 USD to Spirit.

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Turco Viking and Spirit
Idioma de origem
Inglês Auto swing cylinder screen press is a kind of...
Auto swing cylinder screen press is a kind of auto flat screen press of high speed and high precision, It's skilled manufacture, reasonable structure, stable and high speed print paper feeding is equipped, it is suitable for soft and half-soft materials of 100-350g/m2. Frequency control of motor speed is monitored and controlled automatically,with easy operation and high sensitivity, It reaches an advanced level in the country. Only one person is needed to operate the press.
bir serigrafi baskı makinesi almak istiyorum. bununla ilgili araştırma yapıyorum

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Turco Otomatik sallanan silindirli serigrafi baskı
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