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Idioma de origem
Dinamarquês Lev livet, men glem ikke døden.
Lev livet, men glem ikke døden.
Man skal huske at leve sit liv fuldt ud, men må ikke glemme døden

Traduções completas
Inglês Live life, but do not forget death.
Latim vive vitam
Idioma de origem
Turco benim ne durumda olduÄŸÄŸumu biliyorsun birÅŸey...
Benim ne durumda olduğumu biliyorsun, bir şey söylememe gerek yok. Umuyorum ki Allah'tan her şey düzelecek; onun için seni de sıkmak istemiyorum. Durumumu biliyorsun, bir şekilde toparlanmaya çalışıyorum ve bu esnada hayatını etkileyeceğini düşündüğüm için şimdilik en iyisi bu... Her şey gönlünce olsun.

Traduções completas
Inglês You know what my situation is,...
Idioma de origem
Bósnio Najvise mi se svidja dio...ko se ne salomi na...
Najvise mi se svidja dio...ko se ne salomi na hridi moje jezicine...jer hvala bogu znas da je kod mene i na umu i na drumu.....vazda. Alahu akbar dobro biti neće,kad se Dopsi na krivu sablju meće. Dopsi,reč ti je kao sablja dimiskija. tako je,a retki cuju
Comments posted on my blog on Facebook

Traduções completas
Inglês The part I like the most goes...
Idioma de origem
Dinamarquês Der findes ingen fejltagelser....
Der findes ingen fejltagelser, ingen tilfældigheder. Alle hændelser er velsignelser, som bliver givet til os, for at vi kan tage ved lære af dem. Der findes ingen tilfældigheder.
Hey. De 2 ting jeg gerne vil bede om at blive oversat, er til en tattovering jeg gerne vil ha skrevet på mig da det beskriver noget som har betydet rigtigt meget for mig og gjort et vendepunkt i mit liv

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from. There are no coincidences.


Traduções completas
Latim Errores non sunt
Idioma de origem
Inglês Guardian angel my guardian dear, to ...
Guardian angel my guardian dear, to whom God´s love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Traduções completas
Latim Angele qui custos mei es
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Espanhol Amarte es lo que amo más
Amarte es lo que amo más
esta frase es para una persona masculina

<Bridge by Lilian>

"Loving you is what I love the most"

Addressed to a man.

Traduções completas
Latim Te amare est quod maxime amo.
Idioma de origem
Inglês A Musician's Press Coverage
"The music has from time to time the same darkness as we know from Univers Zero." -Iconophobic album review
"[It is] far removed from the avant-garde parts of any musical universe"
"You need to tread carefully if you are entering the Iconophobic world of Salim. You have been warned."
"Iconophobic is a strong statement from Salim on life in his home city of Tehran."
"Without information freely given, the visceral heart of the creator will serendipitously change you."
"Without ever becoming predictable, and taking care to add in the odd dissonant or arhythmic segment, the gritty guitars and swirling violins create stunning contrasts..."
"...Hendrix and Santana have also obviously instructed the phenomenal axe genius that Salim truly is."
"After careful listening I really wasn't able to find any particular artists that have influenced them more than others, or indeed pinpoint any specific influences at all."
1. "axe" is a slang word for guitar.
2. "Iconophobic" is the name of a music album. (Please don't translate this word.)

Traduções completas
Espanhol Cobertura de prensa de un músico
Italiano Rassegna Stampa su un Musicista
Romeno Revista presei despre un muzician
Português brasileiro Cobertura de imprensa de um músico
Russo ОБзор музыкальной Прессы
Dinamarquês En musikers pressedækning
Sueco En musikers pressbevakning
Búlgaro Преглед на музикалната преса
Polonês Recenzje prasowe
Norueguês En musikers pressedekning
Turco Müzisyenin Basın Eleştirisi
Hebraico כיסוי תקשורתי של מוזיקאי
Idioma de origem
Inglês Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

Traduções completas
Espanhol Notas sobre el Album #3
Russo О новом альбоме
Italiano Note sull'album #3
Francês Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
Holandês Over Muziek Album #3
Norueguês Notater om musikk album #3
Polonês Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
Sueco Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
Alemão Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
Dinamarquês Notater om Musik Album #3
Turco Albüm Hakkında Notlar
Hebraico הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Holandês steunt doe een wens
Dreft steunt 'doe een wens'
Dzień dobry! jest to produkt płyn DREFT,do czego on jest?

Bridge by Lein: Dreft supports 'make a wish' (see remarks for explanation)

Traduções completas
Polonês Dreft wspiera 'wypowiedz życzenie'.
Idioma de origem
Inglês Notes on a Music Album #2
"Sovereign" is an instrumental recitation of Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) i.e. an extensive Persian epic poem written by Ferdowsi as a collection of Persian mythologies. Here you will find western rock instrumentation with eastern flavor. Some songs, I think, are apt to be adapted for traditional Iranian dance; especially “Sovereign” and “Harem” tracks. Actually, I am looking forward to the choreographic performance adaptations for this work whenever possible. Imagine Iranian "Coffee-house paintings" and belly dance with distorted guitars performing cheerful rhythms... Unusual combination? No, to me that sounds all natural!
"Sovereign" is name of a music album.

Traduções completas
Espanhol Anotaciones en un álbum musical #2
Italiano Note ad un Album Musicale #2
Francês Notes de l'album musical 2
Holandês Notities over Muziek Album #2
Polonês Komentarz do albumu muzycznego #2
Russo Примечания к (музыкальному) Альбому №2
Sueco Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #2
Norueguês Anmerkninger om et musikkalbum #2
Alemão Notizen zum Musikalbum #2
Turco Bir Müzik Albümden Notlar #2
Hebraico הערות על אלבום מוסיקה # 2
Dinamarquês Noter om et musikalbum #2
Idioma de origem
Inglês Notes on a Music Album #1
"Abrahadabra" is a reflection of my exaggerated personal feelings. It is the first endeavor to my idea of “pictorial rock” - i.e. composition of sounds that recite a sequence of mental pictures. Actually all of these instrumental tracks have a real-life story behind them. There are very vague allusions to these stories in the CD booklet. e.g. “Route” is the story of a death ceremony and recites the mourning over the dead in a way that is done in eastern culture. Or “Told to the Bird” is the story of my own confession to a bunch of flying birds in a ritualistic way... In one sentence, while composing this album, I felt very lovesick, idealist and outraged.
"Abrahadabra" is name of a music album. Please don't translate it.

Traduções completas
Espanhol Comentario sobre un Álbum musical #1
Italiano "Abrahadabra"
Russo Notes on a Music Album #1
Francês Notes de l'album musical 1
Holandês Notities over Muziek Album #1
Polonês Komentarz do muzycznego albumu #1
Sueco Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #1
Alemão Anmerkungen zu einem Musikalbum Nr. 1
Norueguês Notater om et musikkalbum #1
Dinamarquês Notes on a Music Album #1
Turco Bir Müzik Albümünden Notlar #1
Idioma de origem
Inglês When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary", Negar and Salim's single released on 1/1/11, is an oud and electric guitar instrumental. It is a portrayal of ancient east versus modern west.

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition", this song reflects its composers' backgrounds in Persian contemporary and progressive rock genres.
1. "Single" = Sencillo ( )
2. "When There is More Beauty in the Contrary" is the name of a music single. But I would be thankful if the translation of the title could be also provided in parenthesis.
3. Oud is a musical instrument = (Laúd árabe)

Traduções completas
Espanhol Cuando hay más belleza en lo contrario.
Italiano When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Francês "When there is more beauty in the contrary"
Holandês Als er meer schoonheid is in de tegenstelling
Polonês Gdy Jest WiÄ™cej PiÄ™kna w PrzeciwieÅ„stwach
Sueco When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Turco When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Russo Сингл Негара и Салима
Alemão When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Norueguês When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Dinamarquês When there is more Beauty in the Contrary
Hebraico כאשר יש יותר יופי בניגוד
Idioma de origem
Inglês Notes on a Music Album #4
The moment I came out of my mother's womb, I cried. Now, after finishing "Iconophobic" I know why. That deep void was a reality that I lost. I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord...

I used screaming guitars, classical instruments, electronic beats and even sound effects to grumble, pour out my heart, mourn and rejoice repetitively.

This album is a concept album about fearing the world of imagery. I don't know if it is really a psychological problem but I liked the idea of morbid alienation toward images, icons and in general, reality. Iconophobic's booklet contains a passage in form of a circle that reads:

"Alas that man was free...When there was no image.
Alas that image became a means... for altering the reality.
Alas that reality... is itself, an imagery by man."
1. "I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord" means "I played some chords on musical instrument hoping that they help me find [my lost] umbilical cord"
2. Iconophobic is name of the music album. Please don't translate it.

Traduções completas
Espanhol Comentarios al Album de música #4
Italiano Note su un'album #4
Russo Музыкальный альбом №4
Francês Notes sur un Album de musique #4
Sueco Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #4
Holandês Aantekeningen bij een Album #4
Norueguês Notater om musikk album #4
Polonês Komentarz do albumu muzycznego
Alemão Notizen zum Musikalbum Nummer 4
Turco Bir Müzik Albümündeki Notlar #4
Dinamarquês Notater til et musikalbum # 4
Chinês simplificado Notes on a Music Album #4
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês himna liverpoola
When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone
evo i videa te pisme:
nema samo na hrvatski

Traduções completas
Croata Liverpool
Idioma de origem
Italiano non è mai un errore
non è mai un errore

Traduções completas
Croata nikad
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Italiano tornerò da Re
quando ritornerò da te
io ci ritornerò da re
per raccontarti dei miei guai
dirti le cose che non sai
se io ritornerò da te
io ci ritornerò da re
se non ci rivedremo mai
allora avranno vinto i guai
è il ritornello di una coanzone dei club dogo

Traduções completas
Croata vratit ću se od kralja
Idioma de origem
Alemão Die Welt sehen und verstehen
"Aphorismen ohne Grenzen" sind Impulse. Sie geben eine Chance, die Welt neu zu sehen und sich selbst und seine Mitmenschen verstehen zu lernen.
Die Grenzen, die hier erwähnt sind, sind Landesgrenzen, nicht Limite.

Traduções completas
Italiano Vedere e capire il mondo
Croata Svijet vidjeti i razumjeti
Idioma de origem
Alemão Spruch 6
Sieh Dich genau um.
Gefällt es Dir hier?
Wenn nicht,
dann geh.
Es handelt sich um Deine Zukunft.

Traduções completas
Croata Sieh dich...
Idioma de origem
Alemão Aphorisme 13,14,15
Es ist immer besser,
allein einsam zu sein,
als zu zweit einsam zu sein.

Ein Lachen
verlängert das Leben.
Liebe macht unsterblich.

Glaube nicht alles, was Du siehst.
Es ist nicht sicher,
dass Du alles siehst.

Traduções completas
Italiano Aforismi 13, 14, 15
Russo Афоризм 13,14,15
Croata Es ist immer...
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