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381 Idioma de origem A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado". reportagem In aceasta seara asteptam din Portugalia un varf de atac de la Varzim, Francisco Jose Castro "Chico". El o sa vina insotit de directorul clubului si maine vom intra in negocieri atat club - club, cat si club - jucator. Noi speram sa realizam aceste transferuri care ar completa si imbunatatii lotul dar ne intereseaza si cativa jucatori din tara. Mai multe echipe din tara au disponibilizat niste jucatori si in functie de ce reusim din exterior ne orientam si spre interior. Traduções completas Reportagem | |
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169 Idioma de origem A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado". does our brain sleep too when we are asleep? ... Does our brain sleep too when we are asleep? The answer is a clear "no". Studies from the 1950s on have shown that sleep itself is an active state because of the continuously changing brain activity. original text:
does our brain sleep too when we are sleep?the answer is a clear nostudies from the 1950s on have show that sleep itself is an active state because of the continuously changing brain activity Traduções completas biz uyurken beynimiz de uyur mu?... | |
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371 Idioma de origem A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado". traduçao mensagem pessoal Hi, maybe somebody can translate my message to you as it seems you can't read english.
You post messages instead of submittin translations. Before submitting a translation you must click on the button "Translate".
And another thing, you have subscribed to request from all algnauges to romanian, and I'm not sure this is waht you really want. I think you want to be notified for requests from ... to portuguese/brazilian.
Bye Traduções completas tradução mensagem pessoal | |
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