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Tradução - Espanhol-Inglês - La preocupación por la apariencia fisica. Lo que...

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Categoria Ensaio - Educação

La preocupación por la apariencia fisica. Lo que...
Enviado por fisen
Idioma de origem: Espanhol

La preocupación por la apariencia fisica.
Lo que ya se conoce como el "culto al cuerpo" es una moda reciente, de la que millones de españoles -hombres y mujeresparticipan. Prueba de ello es que cada vez son más los que acuden con regularidad a los gimnasios, centros de belleza, solarium, saunas, piscinas, etc., asi como quienes se someten a un tratamiento de cirugia estética, es decir, se operan para mejorar la imagen externa, para gustar más a los demás y a si mismos.

The concern about physical appearance.

Traduzido por raaq
Idioma alvo: Inglês

The concern about physical appearance.
What is nowadays known as "body culture" is a recent fashion, in which millions of spaniards - men and women - take part. A proof of it is that more and more people go to the gyms, beauty centers, solarium, sauna, swimming pools, etc., as well as those that undergo plastic surgery treatments, that is, they get operated to improve their external image, to be fancied by others and by themselves.
Último validado ou editado por lilian canale - 20 Abril 2008 18:29

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20 Abril 2008 18:28

lilian canale
Número de Mensagens: 14972
Hi raaq

Good translation. I just made a few adjustments.

Before editing:
The concern about physical appearance.
What is nowadays known as "body culture" is a recent fashion, in which millions of spaniards -men and women - take part. A prove of this is that every time there are more people going to the gyms, beauty centers, solarium, sauna, swimming pools, etc., as well as those that go through plastic surgery treatments, this is, the get operated to improve their external image, to be fancied by others and by themselves.

20 Abril 2008 18:55

Número de Mensagens: 47
thanks ! it now looks a lot better
cheers !