Cucumis - Servei gratuït de traducció en línia
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Traducció - Turc-Anglès - Bak ÅŸimdi; ben sana ne algıladığımı söyleyeyim;...

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: TurcAnglès

Categoria Cultura

La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
Bak şimdi; ben sana ne algıladığımı söyleyeyim;...
Enviat per dombıra1
Idioma orígen: Turc

Bak şimdi; ben sana ne algıladığımı söyleyeyim:
Senin gönderindeki tahlillerin elbette dikkate değer!
Ama çok kişisel!..
İnsanlar anlamak istediklerini anladıkları hâlde işi anlaşılmazlığın o dayanılmaz hafifliğine vuruyorsa;
Ben sana sadece bir şey söylerim; tek kelime: "SAMİMİYETSİZLİK"
Şimdi ben kabayım! Ama dürüstüm!
İnce ve kibar olup yılan olmaktansa, kaba olup aslan gibi kükremek iyidir...
Umarım kinayeyi anlarsın.
İnsanlarla aslanlar arasında anlaşma olmaz arkadaşım, olmaz!..
Notes sobre la traducció

Look, let me tell you...

Traduït per Mesud2991
Idioma destí: Anglès

Look, let me tell you what I've noticed:
Of course, the descriptions in your message are noteworthy!
But they're so personal!
If people pretend not to understand although they understood what they want to understand;
I tell you just one thing; a word: "INSINCERITY"
Now I'm being rude! But I'm honest!
Being rude and roaring like a lion is better than being polite and then being a snake...
I hope you will get what I mean.
People don't get along with lions, friend.
Notes sobre la traducció
If people pretend not to understand: Literally, this part reads: 'If people play unbearable frivolity of inscrutability' - so not just pretend they don't understand, but do so in a rather annoying way.
Darrera validació o edició per Lein - 8 Agost 2011 13:20

Darrer missatge


22 Abril 2011 20:08

Nombre de missatges: 1
Bak şimdi; ben sana ne algıladığımı söyleyeyim:
Senin gönderindeki tahlillerin elbette dikkate değer!
Ama çok kişisel!..
İnsanlar anlamak istediklerini anladıkları hâlde işi anlaşılmazlığın o dayanılmaz hafifliğine vuruyorsa;
Ben sana sadece bir şey söylerim; tek kelime: "SAMİMİYETSİZLİK"
Şimdi ben kabayım! Ama dürüstüm!
İnce ve kibar olup yılan olmaktansa, kaba olup aslan gibi kükremek iyidir...
Umarım kinayeyi anlarsın.
İnsanlarla aslanlar arasında anlaşma olmaz arkadaşım, olmaz!..

21 Juliol 2011 15:24

Nombre de missatges: 3389
Hi rollingmaster

Sorry it has taken so long to start evaluating this translation

A few remarks about the English text before I set a poll:

- 'perceived' sounds rather formal and is not often used between friends. How about 'noticed'?
- 'the assays in your mail are notable -> this sounds very unnatural. Could 'assays' be 'descriptions'? Do you know if the sentence refers to an email or a letter? (It sounds like it is about an email to me.) And how about 'noteworthy' or 'significant' for 'notable' (dikkate deÄŸer)? It seems to sound more natural here. (lots of translations found here
- 'If people play unbearable frivolity of inscrutability' -> sounds unnatural and the meaning is not quite clear to an English reader. Do you mean something like 'If people pretend to be confused or make jokes about it'? If not, could you explain what the text means?
- 'allusion': again, a very formal word. How about 'I hope you understand what I mean'?
- Finally, the last sentence seems to contradict the one before ('it is better to be a lion than a snake <-> people don't like lions'. Is that the same in the original text?

Sorry for all the questions - I hope you can help me understand the text! Thanks!

25 Juliol 2011 12:47

Nombre de missatges: 3389

26 Juliol 2011 12:10

Nombre de missatges: 1331
Hi Lein,

It's okey. By the way, I'm sorry for answering late. I just saw your message.

- "Noticed"
- I didn't understand what "tahlil" means in here. 'noteworthy' is suitable.
- To pretend not to understand
- It's up to you. In Turkish version, it was given as "allusion".
- People don't get along with lions

I hope I could help you.

26 Juliol 2011 12:22

Nombre de missatges: 3389
Thanks rollingmaster, that was very helpful

26 Juliol 2011 12:30

Nombre de missatges: 1331
I think we should take account of the part of "the unbearable frivolity of inscrutability"

26 Juliol 2011 12:33

Nombre de missatges: 3389
OK, I have put it in the remarks. Would you agree with the way I have written this?

26 Juliol 2011 12:35

Nombre de missatges: 1331
OK. That's better.