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Traducció - Turc-Anglès - bildiÄŸiniz gibi yönetici asistanı...

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: TurcAnglès

bildiğiniz gibi yönetici asistanı...
Enviat per evreci
Idioma orígen: Turc

bildiğiniz gibi yönetici asistanı pozizyonundayım. büro işlerini yapıyorum, kargoların hazırlanması, telefonlara bakılması, tekliflerin hazırlanması,siparişlerin tiger sistemine girilmesi işlerinden sorumluyum.


Traduït per creaticecritics
Idioma destí: Anglès

As you know, I hold the position of executive assistant. I do office work; I am responsible for cargo preparation, answering the phone, drawing up proposals and entering orders into the Tiger system.
Darrera validació o edició per Lein - 27 Juliol 2011 13:23

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26 Juliol 2011 14:05

Nombre de missatges: 3389
Hi creaticecritics

I have made a few minor changes to your text to make the English sound more natural and I have set a poll. Please let me know if you don't agree with my edits!
Here is your original text:

As you know, I hold the executive assistant position.I'm doing office work; I am responsible for cargo preparation, answering the phones, drawing up proposals and entering orders into tiger system.

26 Juliol 2011 19:50

Nombre de missatges: 3769
work...> works
drawing up proposals...> preparation of proposals