171 Idioma de origen Rafet eu estou gostando muito de você, mas as vezes penso que nao deveria pois tu estas muito longe de mim e acredito que será uma paixão nao correspondida...mas mesmo assim gosto muito de você e quero que saiba disso!!! Traducciones completadas rafet Rafet | |
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Whatever the nature of an organisation, the effectiveness of its operations and functıons inevitably depends very largely upon the staff it employs.All managers are concerned with the success of the human resources function in their own department and with the management of their staff.Managers should recognise the importance of a planned and systematic approuch to resourcing the organisation,and to the recruitment,selection and induction of staff. Traducciones completadas KURULUŞA KAYNAK SAĞLAMA | |
358 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" when it comes to the Vietnam analogy... WAR ANALOGY ______________ when it comes to the Vietnam analogy domestically, the question that still hangs in the air is whether,as in the latter years of the Vietnam era the soldiers , in Iraq(and Afganistan) as well as here at home , will take matters into their own hands;whether ,as with Vietnam , in the end Iraq (and Iran) will be left to the vets og this war and their families and friends or to no one at all. en fazla 1 gün içinde bitirilmesi rica edilir. !!!!!!! Traducciones completadas SAVAÅž KARÅžILAÅžTIRMASI | |
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227 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" The purpose of this e-mail is to advise you that... The purpose of this e-mail is to advise you that some or all of your items for order #2104639 have been shipped. Please see below for item status. We look forward to hearing how much you like the items when they arrive. Please do let us know how we can assist further. yardımcı olursanız sevınırımmm... Traducciones completadas Bu e-mail'in amacı | |
263 Idioma de origen Nutrition Poultry and environment reap the... Nutrition
Poultry and environment reap the benefits of new-generation phytase New-generation phytase products have an increasingly vital role to play in helping poultry producers stay ahead of tightening economic pressures and environmental standards by reducing feed costs and minimising phosphorus waste. Traducciones completadas Beslenme | |
245 Idioma de origen davet I strongly believe that your help in the labrotory and in the study of the causes responsible for the origin of the igneous activity has a lot of potential to contribute to a beter understnading of the geology of the area and may lead to further collaboration in the near feature with you. Traducciones completadas davet | |
376 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" The Non-Traditional Scenario Many "intuitives"... The Non-Traditional Scenario Many "intuitives" and "sensitives" feel the adult skeleton was a female and the child was hers, a human-alien hybrid created by a union between her and a Star Being. Some feel the mother had learned the Star Beings were returning to take her child from her, which she refused to contemplate. Panic-stricken and filled with dread, she took her child and fled her village, seeking refuge in the hidden mine tunnel. Traducciones completadas Geleneksel olmayan Senaryo. | |
170 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" semih Nein semih, ich brauche jemanden, den ich liebe!!! Und ich denke, das kann ich auch machen, mit der Zeit wird er mich auch lieben! Ich bin sicher! Denkst du, dass du nicht glücklich mit mir wirst? Und wenn ja, warum?
Traducciones completadas Hayır Semih | |
114 Idioma de origen C: revestimento de papel sulfite branco selado a... Packaging Paper: cold seal coated White Sulphite Paper Weight: 40 – 50 g/m2 Type of Paper: Sulphite paper Corona inside: 41 - 44 Mn/M Eu traduzi do inglês para o português, porém não consigo imaginar o que seja Argilik. O texto é de uma material técnico que fala sobre a composição de um curativo tipo band-aid. E o fabricante é da Turquia, portanto imagino que esse termo "Argilik" seja turco.
----------- the word "Agirlik" in the source is changed as "weight"
"Agirlik" is a Turkish word meaning "weight" and the correct typing for it is: "Ağırlık" (smy--> 25 Ocak 2008 16:33)
also, "Packagin" is edited as "Packaging" Traducciones completadas Paketleme kağıdı: soğuk mühürle kaplı Beyaz Sülfit kağıdı. revestimento de papel | |
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