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Traducción - Danés-Inglés - Forklædt som sorte ryttere sender Sauron...

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Forklædt som sorte ryttere sender Sauron...
Propuesto por DDSA
Idioma de origen: Danés

Forklædt som sorte ryttere sender Sauron Ringånderne til Herredet for at finde ringen. Frodo undslipper dog med hjælp fra sin trofaste gartner Samvis Gammegod og sine tre venner Meriadoc Brændebuk, Peregrin Toker og Fredegar Bulner. Mens Fredegar fungerer som afledning for ringånderne, tager Frodo og de andre afsted mod Kløvedal med ringen. Undervejs bliver de hjulpet af Tom Bombadil og en mand der kalder sig Traver, men som senere viser sig at være tronarvingen til Arnor og Gondor, Aragorn.

Sauron sent the nine Ringwraiths, in the guise of riders in black,

Traducido por eleonora13
Idioma de destino: Inglés

Sauron sent the nine Ringwraiths, in the guise of riders in black, to the Shire in search of the Ring. Frodo escaped, with the help of his loyal gardener Samwise Gamgee and three close friends, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, and Fredegar Bolger. While Fredegar acted as a decoy for the Ringwraiths, Frodo and the others set off to take the Ring to the Elven haven of Rivendell. They were aided by the enigmatic Tom Bombadil, and by a man called "Strider", who was later revealed to be Aragon, the heir to the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor.
Última validación o corrección por dramati - 11 Enero 2008 05:13