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Traducerea - Turcă-Engleză - Yönetim kurulu üyelerinin ÅŸirketle rekabet yasağı

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Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: TurcăEngleză

Categorie Afaceri/Locuri de muncă

Yönetim kurulu üyelerinin şirketle rekabet yasağı
Înscris de tayfur
Limba sursă: Turcă

Yönetim kurulu üyelerinden biri genel kurulun iznini almaksızın şirketin konusuna giren ticari işlem cinsinden bir işlemi kendi veya başkası hesabına yapamıyacağı gibi, aynı cins ticari işleri yapan bir şirkete sorumluluğu sınırlandırılmamış ortak sıfatiyle de giremez. Bu hükme aykırı harekette bulunan yönetim kurulu üyesinden, şirket tazminat istemekte veya tazminat yerine yapılan işlemi şirket namına yapılmış saymakta ve üçüncü şahıslar hesabına yapılan sözleşmelerden doğan menfaatlerin şirkete ait olduğunun sayılmasını talep etmekte, serbesttir.

No member of the administrative ...

Tradus de raven the midnightvisitor
Limba ţintă: Engleză

No member of the administrative board can run a business affair within the involvements of the company for himself or for any other name, without the permission of the board, and can not join a company running the same business affair as an active partner either. The company is free to ask for damages from any member of the board who violates this decision or to count any act perpetrated as being for the company's sake rather than claiming compensation and to demand that the benefits provided by the contracts signed in the name of a third person should be counted as the advantages belonging to the company.

Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 7 Septembrie 2009 00:34

Ultimele mesaje


16 Iunie 2009 18:10

raven the midnightvisitor
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2
No member of the administrative board can run a business affair within the involvements of the company for himself or for any other name, without the permission of the board, and can not join a company running the same business affair as an active partner either. The company is free to ask for damages from any member of the board who violates this decision or to count any act perpetrated as being for the company's sake rather than claiming compensation and to demand that the benefits provided by the contracts signed in the name of a third person should be counted as the advantages belonging to the company.

14 Iunie 2009 11:19

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747
Hi raven the midnightvisitor

May I call you "Raven" for short lol

Here are some suggestions for corrections:

No member of the administrative board can run a business affair within the involvements of the company for himself or for any other name, without the permission of the board, and can not join a company running the same business affair as an active partner either. The company is free to ask for damages from any member of the board who violates this decision or to count any act perpetrated as being for the company's sake rather than claiming compensation and to demand that the benefits provided by the contracts signed in the name of a third person should be counted as the advantages belonging to the company.

Let me know what you think, then you can edit and I will set a poll.


14 Iunie 2009 11:54

raven the midnightvisitor
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2
I guess it is better now, thank you

14 Iunie 2009 17:24

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 2747
Hi Raven

I see you are new to cucumis Welcome to the site.

Do you know how to edit your text?

You click on the blue "edit" button. A new page will open (a bit like the translation page) where you will be able to edit your text with the different corrections.

Once you have edited, I will open a poll since, unfortunately, I don't speak any Turkish.

Hope you will enjoy tanslating here on cucumis.


7 August 2009 16:18

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 878
Let me give you both a hand Tantine and Raven . Shall I take it over from you Tantine?

1 Septembrie 2009 12:35

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Hi Chantal,

It's about time to decide about this translation.
Since Tantine hasn't been able to log in these days and you haven't effectively taken care of it, I'll manage this translation, OK?

1 Septembrie 2009 21:21

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 878
I'm so sorry Lilian, I've got a new job and am soo busy at the moment.. Hope I'll be able to help out soon again! For now.. yes if you don't mind.. Sorry again.. xx

1 Septembrie 2009 21:29

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Don't worry, dear. I know everyone has a life outside Cucumis! Congrats for the new job
Hope you can be back at full speed soon

2 Septembrie 2009 13:52

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3769
No member of the administrative board can run a business ......> a member of the administrative board can't run a business ...

and can not join a company running the same business affair ...>and also can not join a company running ....