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Traduction - Danois-Anglais - For godt 40 år siden, begyndte FB for sig selv i...

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For godt 40 år siden, begyndte FB for sig selv i...
Proposé par Prince34
Langue de départ: Danois

For godt 40 år siden, begyndte FB for sig selv i lejede lokaler med en drejebænk.

Den 19 september 2007 valgte smedemester FB, at trække sig som bestyrelsesformand for FB. en epoke var slut, men posten og "barnet" skal stadig tjekkes daglig.

den 25. juni 2007 kan GH fejre sit 25 års jubilæum på FGH

Disse 3 ting vil vi gerne markere og vi håber, at
forretningsforbindelser, venner, familie og naboer vil være med til at gøre det til en festlig dag for os

More than 40 years ago, FB started its business on its own in

Traduit par pias
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

More than 40 years ago, FB started its business on its own in hired premises with a lathe.

On September 19, 2007, the master smith of FB decided to retire as CEO for FB. An era had ended, but the mail and "the child" still have to be checked on a daily basis.

On June 25, 2007, GH will celebrate his 25th anniversary at FGH.

We would like to mark these 3 things and we hope that business connections, friends, family and neighbours will join us and make this a festive day for us.

Dernière édition ou validation par dramati - 8 Janvier 2008 04:10

Derniers messages


7 Janvier 2008 21:11

Nombre de messages: 641
Remove the "i" from "begain" (in the first sentence)?

7 Janvier 2008 21:26

Nombre de messages: 8114
I'll correct that dramati.

7 Janvier 2008 21:54

Nombre de messages: 1670
oh I don´t really know where to start, this has really not been translated very well (I´m sorry to say so!)......

7 Janvier 2008 22:02

Mats Fondelius
Nombre de messages: 153
A good translation except the end of the last sentence which has lost its meaning. It should be:
"...til en festlig dag også."
Mats Fondelius"figge2001"

7 Janvier 2008 22:08

casper tavernello
Nombre de messages: 5057
One more time you are voting on the source text, Mats.
Take a look at which text gets yellow when you hover the cursor on the voting area.

CC: Mats Fondelius

7 Janvier 2008 22:08

Nombre de messages: 1670
it should say something like this:

More than 40 years ago, FB started its business on its own in hired premises with a lathe.

On September 19, 2007, the master smith of FB decided to retire as CEO for FB. An era had ended, but the mail and "the child" still have to be checked on a daily basis.

On June 25, 2007, GH will celebrate his 25th anniversary at FGH.

We would like to mark these 3 things and we hope that business connections, friends, family and neighbours will join us and make this a festive day for us.

7 Janvier 2008 22:26

Nombre de messages: 8114
Thanks Anita_Luciano,
you are right.(don't feel sorry!!)
Maybe I am ill-mannered now, but I like to edit the whole text to your proposal. I think I do that and share the points with you then...

dramati, I'll do that now.
Text before edits:
For more than 40 years ago, FB began, all by itself, to hire locals with one lathe.

On September 19, 2007 the Smith Master of FB opted to retire as a committee supervisor for FB. An epoch was over, but the post and "the child" had to be checked daily.

On June 25, 2007 Kan GH celebrated its 25th year anniversary at FGH.

We would like to mark these 3 things and we hope, that business connections, friends, family and neighbours would like to join us and make this a festive day too.