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Traduction - Suédois-Anglais - Inför undertecknad, vigselförättare i Haninge...

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Catégorie Vie quotidienne - Amour / Amitié

Inför undertecknad, vigselförättare i Haninge...
Proposé par casper tavernello
Langue de départ: Suédois

Inför undertecknad, vigselförättare i Haninge
kommun, företrädde den 15 december 2007

[Brudparets namn]

för att få med varandra ingå äktenskap. Som vittnen var [vittnens namn] närvarande.

Enligt inlämnat intyg om hindersprövning förelåg ej jinder för äktenskapets ingående.

Vigseln ägde rum i stadgad ordning och sedan kontrahenterna var för sig lämnat sitt ja och samtycke att ingå äktenskap med varandra, förklarades de för äkta makar.

Ã…r och dag som ovan
[vigselförättarens namn]
Commentaires pour la traduction
Texten innanför hakarna är bara för att förstå textens sammanhang och går inte att översätta.

In front of the signer, the registrar in Haninge

Traduit par pias
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

In front of the signer, registrar in Haninge municipality, represented on the 15 th December 2007

[Name of the bride and groom]

to be able to enter into marriage with each other. As the witness was [The witness name] present.

According to the submitted certificate regarding the consideration of impediments there was found to be no hindrance in entering into marriage.

The wedding took place in prescribed order and after the individual contracting parties had given their yes and approval to enter into marriage with each other, they were declared as lawfully wedded.

Year and day as above
[Name of the registrar]

Commentaires pour la traduction
the registrar = the person who conducted the marraige ceremony
Dernière édition ou validation par dramati - 3 Février 2008 22:58

Derniers messages


30 Janvier 2008 11:36

Nombre de messages: 972

Work on the English in this one. There are a lot of mistakes! I know you can do better.



30 Janvier 2008 13:19

Nombre de messages: 8114
Thanks for the encouragement.
I'll edit now.. hope it gets better.

2 Février 2008 17:09

Nombre de messages: 972

It is better but there are still a few things:

certificate about consideration of impediments to marriage (what is this?)

Other than that is is fine.

2 Février 2008 17:35

Nombre de messages: 8114
"certificate about consideration of impediments to marriage"...I just tried to find the english expression for Swedish "hindersprövning". I don't know if there is a similar equivalence in english.

Found this depiction about "hindersprövning"

In most cases the local district court is the site of civil weddings. A civil marriage is performed by a judge at a district court or by a special officer appointed by the county administrative board to perform civil marriage ceremonies. The ceremony is often short. To be able to get married in Sweden the couple must first complete a procedure for an investigation into possible impediments (hindersprövning). The Local Tax Office (Lokala skattekontoret) handles this procedure in the district in which the parties are registered. They give the certificate thereto.

2 Février 2008 17:40

Nombre de messages: 972
So it should read something like this in English:
According to the submitted certificate regarding the consideration of impediments there was found to be no hindrance in entering into marriage.

2 Février 2008 17:47

Nombre de messages: 8114
Aha, thanks!
Shall I edit?

2 Février 2008 18:04

Nombre de messages: 972
yes please