Cucumis - Service de traduction gratuit en ligne
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Traduction - Anglais-Français - Wordia international. Visit the English version...

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AnglaisEspagnolFrançaisItalienAllemandDanoisRusseNéerlandaisIslandaisLettonFinnoisNorvégienGrecPortuguais brésilienPolonaisHongroisPortugaisTchèqueLituanienEstonien

Cette traduction appartient au projet Wordia.

Spellic will be (once done) a free online eduaction service.

My vision
My vision is that Spellic sooner or later will be available in most european languages. Until then, only basic information will be available in all languages.
The final work on Spellic is hopefully done this summer. After that, you are all welcome to try it out.

What is Spellic?
The main purpose of Spellic is to help students to learn words in foreign languages.
It also provides a little community where teachers, parents and studends can send messages and share exercises.

At the moment, Spellic uses around one thousand words / phrases / texts on the website.
If you have a website in English that you want to translate into Swedish, and you are a native speaker of some other language than English or Swedish, please send me a message.
I'm sure that we can help each other out to gain a mutual advantage.

Spellic logo

Catégorie Site web / Blog / Forum - Education

Wordia international. Visit the English version...
Proposé par xamine
Langue de départ: Anglais

Wordia international.
Visit the English version of Wordia.
Commentaires pour la traduction
The site is named "Wordia" and this name shall not be translated.

Context: A button with a description.

French info: French from France
Norwegian info: Bokmål

Wordia international.

Traduit par Botica
Langue d'arrivée: Français

Wordia international.
Visitez la version en anglais de Wordia.
Dernière édition ou validation par Francky5591 - 6 Mars 2008 21:32