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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Zeybek Ege Bölgesi'nin dansıdır.Bir veya bir kaç...

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Zeybek Ege Bölgesi'nin dansıdır.Bir veya bir kaç...
Proposé par aksu9592
Langue de départ: Turc

Zeybek Ege Bölgesi'nin dansıdır.Bir veya bir kaç kişi ile oynanır.Çok hareketli bir oyundur.Zeybek genellikle İzmir, Aydın, Antalya ve Balıkersir l
illerinde oynanır.Anadoluda zeybek çeşitleri vardır.Bunlar:Sarı zeybek, Bergama zeybeği, Zeybek osman.Zeybek Kıyafeti" tamlamasında olduğu gibi Zeybeklere has oyun anlamında Zeybek Oyunu denilebiliyorsa da, oyun kelimesi katılmaksızın Zeybek kendi oyun çeşitlerinin toplu adıdır.


Traduit par kfeto
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

The Zeybek is a dance of the Aegean region. The very lively dance is performed alone or with a few people. It is mostly found in the provinces of Izmir, Aydın, Antalya and Balıkesir.
In Anatolia there are different Zeybek varieties.
These are: Sarı(yellow) Zeybek, Zeybek of Bergama , Osman Zeybek. Though one can call it 'Zeybek Dance', just as in the compound expression 'Zeybek Outfit', the word "Zeybek" alone is the collective noun for all the different varieties of Zeybek."
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 20 Avril 2008 23:57

Derniers messages


18 Avril 2008 19:54

Nombre de messages: 268
Hello kfeto.
"Bir kaç" means maximum 2-3 people.
And..I think "lively" is not enough to express "çok hareketli".

Last's too difficult...

18 Avril 2008 20:42

Nombre de messages: 2132
The dance is performed alone or with one or two persons. It’s a dance very breezy.
« Mostly one can find it in the provinces of Aydın, Antalya and Balıkesir » here you forgot Izmir.
I agree with cesur the last sentence is a hard one.

18 Avril 2008 20:34

Nombre de messages: 953
added very, few, lively
thank you for the comments

18 Avril 2008 21:19

Nombre de messages: 172
hi kfeto
nice translation
I thought that this might help you with the last sentence.

Just as in the phrase “zeybek outfit” zeybek dance may refer to the dance unique to its performers however, the word zeybek alone is the general name of all its varieties.

18 Avril 2008 21:21

Nombre de messages: 2
Translation of the last sentence doesn't match the exact mean with the original one.
To my thinking, it is better to say:
"As in the expression 'Zeybek Outfit', which refers to the outfit of Zeybek dancers, it is right to call the dance of Zeybek's as 'Zeybek Dance'. However, the word 'Zeybek' itself is enough to refer to a general term of this genre of dance."
"It is right to call the dance of Zeybek's as 'Zeybek Dance', as in the expression 'Zeybek Outfit'. However, "Zeybek" itself could be used to depict the dances of the Zeybek's (Zeybek dance)."

18 Avril 2008 21:25

Nombre de messages: 953
i will look at this again tomorrow with a clear head;-) incorporating your suggestions.

19 Avril 2008 22:26

Nombre de messages: 2543
In my opinion, it sounds better: 'Zeybek usually performs in the provinces of...'

19 Avril 2008 23:50

Nombre de messages: 953
ok, i think the last line is ok now, thanks everyone for your ideas