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Traduction - Espagnol-Anglais - hola solo escribo para saludarte, como haz...

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hola solo escribo para saludarte, como haz...
Proposé par tiggerisrael
Langue de départ: Espagnol

hola solo escribo para saludarte, como haz estado? que cuentas de nuevo?, Sigo esperando las fotos de las amigas que me ibas a presentar, ok amigo pues espero que estes muy bien, saludame a hector y dale mi correo porfavor.

Un saludo que tengas un excelente dia
Commentaires pour la traduction
es un correo para saludar a un amigo que habla ingles canadiense

Hi, I'm writing just to say hello

Traduit par lilian canale
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Hi, I'm writing just to say hello. How have you been? What's new? I'm still waiting for the photos of those friends you were going to introduce to me. OK my friend, I hope you are very well, regards to Hector and give him my email please.

Greetings and have an excellent day.
Dernière édition ou validation par Francky5591 - 17 Mai 2008 17:50

Derniers messages


16 Mai 2008 18:52

Nombre de messages: 1285

Hello Lilian,

-- "que cuentas de nuevo?" -- what's new?

I think I've translated this one exacly in the same time as you, and that's how I've put it


16 Mai 2008 19:04

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Madeleine, I'm sorry for "taking" the translation from you

The expression: " ¿Qué cuentas de nuevo?" (that should have been the correct diacritics) has a meaning which may be shown in different ways when translated into another language.
Textually it would be: "What do you tell as news?, but of course this would be too weird in English
That's why I chose: " What's news?" (¿Cuáles son las novedades?) which means the same and is the most common way of asking in English.
But your "What's new?" (¿Qué hay de nuevo?)is also correct.

16 Mai 2008 20:20

Nombre de messages: 1285

Thanks for your answer.

As always, I truly admire you for your patience.

Have a nice evening, Lilian!


16 Mai 2008 23:45

Nombre de messages: 5
Just to sound more english, nothing much though :

"Hi, I'm just writing to say hello. How have you been? What's up? I'm still waiting for the photos of those friends you were going to introduce me to. OK my friend, I hope you are very well, regards to Hector and please give him my email."

17 Mai 2008 00:34

Nombre de messages: 48
There should be no S on the end of news. "What's new?" If one is set upon using an S, then one must say "What's THE news?" But "What's the news?" is generally used when you're expecting news on something (e.g. if someone got a job or not).

17 Mai 2008 01:33

Nombre de messages: 1670
Just two details:

what´s new

introduce me to

17 Mai 2008 01:44

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
As I explained above, "What's new" and "What's news" are both correct, but since it seems to be a common preference, I'll edit that.

For " amigas que me ibas a presentar", it means : " friends you were going to introduce to me" and not the friends you were going to introduce me to"

The person was going to introduce his/her friends to the writer and not the writer to his/her friends. It's quite the same, but to be translated like you suggest, the original text should be: " amigas a las que me ibas a presentar"

I hope you understand, it's a bit weird...

17 Mai 2008 02:34

Nombre de messages: 1670
yep, I got it! :-)

17 Mai 2008 03:36

Nombre de messages: 2
I'm still waiting the pics of the friends you're going ...
ok my friend, hope you be ok,