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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - ABD’nin genel seçimleri yaklaşmaktadır.

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ABD’nin genel seçimleri yaklaşmaktadır.
Proposé par akademisyen
Langue de départ: Turc

ABD’nin genel seçimleri yaklaşmaktadır. Bu genel seçimler sonrasında olası bir Demokrat Parti hükümeti görülebilir. Bu bağlamda olası bir demokrat parti hükümeti sonrası ABD’nin Ortadoğu politikası ve Türkiye ile ilişkilerinin genel seyrini incelemek için 1992-2000 yılları arası Demokrat Bill Clinton’ın Ortadoğu politikaları ve ABD-Türkiye ilişkileri yeni dönemle ilgili değerlendirmelerde ipucu olacaktır.

USA's general elections are approaching.

Traduit par Rise
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

USA's general elections are approaching. After these general elections a Democratic Party administration might be seen. In this regard, in order to examine the USA's Middle East policies in a possible Democratic Party administration and the general progress of relations with Turkey, Democrat Bill Clinton's Middle East policies and the relations of US-Turkey between the years 1992-2000 will provide clues for the evaluations of the new period.
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 4 Août 2008 06:04

Derniers messages


27 Juillet 2008 01:49

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hello Rise

Your version seems mostly ok so I'll set a poll straight away.

There are just one or two minor edits to be done

You need a space after the full stop of the first phrase.

I would put "examining" rather than "to examine".

It needs one or two commas too, in order to help with its readability in English, I will add them once you've done the other edits.


27 Juillet 2008 03:44

Nombre de messages: 126

I've done the edits.


31 Juillet 2008 01:17

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hello Rise

It's always a pleasure to work with you

30 Juillet 2008 02:21

Nombre de messages: 7963
The general elections in the USA are approaching. It is possible that we will see a Democratic Party administration after these general elections. In this regard, in order to examine the Middle East policies of the USA in a possible Democratic Pary administration, and the general progress of relations with Turkey, clues towards an evaluation of the new period can be found in Democrat Bill Clinton's Middle East policies and US-Turkish relations in the years 1992-2000.

31 Juillet 2008 12:23

Nombre de messages: 126

I don't think it is right to turn the whole of my version into yours.But I will do some edits according to it.

31 Juillet 2008 12:24

Nombre de messages: 126

So it is for me as well

31 Juillet 2008 16:50

Nombre de messages: 7963
Yes, that was my intention, Rise. It was just quicker for me to translate the whole thing my way than to go through and mention each mistake.

1 Août 2008 18:37

Nombre de messages: 126
OK Kafetzou, thanks for your suggestions in this quick way

1 Août 2008 21:36

Nombre de messages: 7963
I still don't think it's quite right. You need to get the idea across that the writer thinks it's important to examine what happen during the Clinton years when examining the U.S.'s Middle East foreign policy and U.S.-Turkish relations.

2 Août 2008 23:39

Nombre de messages: 126
What do you think about it now?If it still isn't satisfying enough then I promise I will replace that part completely with yoursI just want to try to do my best.I couldn't understand the point you mean before you explained it.

3 Août 2008 00:48

Nombre de messages: 7963
Hmm. It's this part that's the problem: "In that case examining the USA's Middle East policies and its general progress of relations with Turkey in a possible Democratic Party administration" - it's not clear that the purpose is this, not the process.

3 Août 2008 03:19

Nombre de messages: 126
It was that part? Ok, I've edited it. Altough you were'nt going to go through it in detail, you did. Really thanks for taking your time. I hope it is clear enough now.

3 Août 2008 05:07

Nombre de messages: 7963
This is much better, Rise. Even though I did end up spending quite a bit more time on this than I had anticipated, it's still easier for me if I translated the text myself first to get some perspective.

Please correct the format (there's a return where there shouldn't be, and there's no space between the first two sentences), and then I think it'll be ready for validation.

3 Août 2008 11:56

Nombre de messages: 126
Pleased to hear that I've made the corrections.

3 Août 2008 14:11

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hi Kafetzou & Rise

Kafetzou, thanks for so much help on this one, do you want to take the validation on? You have spent a lot of time on it so I'd be more than happy


4 Août 2008 06:04

Nombre de messages: 7963

4 Août 2008 15:30

Nombre de messages: 2747