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Traduction - Serbe-Anglais - Osteologija je nauka o kostima,(njihovoj...

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Catégorie Science

Osteologija je nauka o kostima,(njihovoj...
Proposé par dijanaaaaaaaaaaa
Langue de départ: Serbe

Osteologija je nauka o kostima,(njihovoj gradji,obliku,broju)rskavici i vezama.
Prema mjestu gdje se nalaze u tijelu,kosti se dijele na: osovinske(kosti glave,kicma,rebra i grudna kost),periferne(kosti udova) i splanhnicne.
Prema obliku i velicini,kosti se mogu podijeliti na: duge ili ovalne,kratke,plocaste i nepravilne.
Osovinski skelet cine kosti glave i kicme.
Rebra su povezana sa kicmomu prijedjelu grudnog kosa.
skelet udova se sastoji od kostiju ekstremiteta.
Commentaires pour la traduction
pravilan prevod bez gramatickih gresaka! Zelim prevod na AMERICKI engleski

Osteology is the scientific study of bones, (their...

Traduit par Ace1337
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Osteology is the scientific study of bones, (their structure, shape, number) cartilage and bonds.
Depending on their location in the body, bones are divided into these groups: axial (bones of the skull, spine/backbone ribs and breastbone), peripheral (bones of the limbs) and splanchnic.
Depending on their shape and size bones can be divided into: long or oval, short, flat and irregular.
Axial skeleton is made of bones of the scull and spine/backbone.
Ribs are connected to the spine in the thorax area.
The limb skeleton consists of the bones of the extremities.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 3 Décembre 2009 19:21

Derniers messages


21 Novembre 2009 20:04

Nombre de messages: 1206
bones of the skull, ribs and breastbone --> bones of the skull, spine/backbone ribs and breastbone
Omitted line: Osovinski skelet cine kosti glave i kicme. --> Axial skeleton is made of bones of the scull and spine/backbone.
The limb skeleton is made up of --> The limb skeleton consists of

Ace you did a great job! I really like your translation!

22 Novembre 2009 10:48

Nombre de messages: 3

I don't know how I managed to omit that line :S

btw scull -> skull

22 Novembre 2009 14:18

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
OK, Ace, I cancelled the poll. You can make the edits needed now

2 Décembre 2009 17:48

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Ace,
I'm still waiting for the edits in your translation in order to reset it into a poll.