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Traduction - Anglais-Turc - What is called the "folk-culture approach" by...

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Catégorie Science

What is called the "folk-culture approach" by...
Proposé par tryout
Langue de départ: Anglais

What is called the "folk-culture approach" by students of Old World archaeology is paralleled in the New World by the "direct historical approach".

old World arkeoloji

Traduit par ps723
Langue d'arrivée: Turc

Old World arkeoloji öğrencileri tarafından "halk kültürü yaklaşımı" olarak adlandırılan yaklaşım New World'deki "doğrudan tarihsel yaklaşım" ile parallelik gösterir.
Dernière édition ou validation par serba - 19 Mai 2007 08:10