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159 Font-lingvoĈi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo". Gages de jeux Lucie imite le Pokémon de son choix Julie aimerais-tu te refaire une partie du corps ? Si oui, laquelle ? Antoine embrasse les omoplates de Mélanie Amory chante une chanson du film d’animation de son choix Kompletaj tradukoj Medidores de juegos Spielmessgeräte | |
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283 Font-lingvo It was supposed to be another casual ... It was supposed to be another casual night out with his usual gang of friends. When he entered the club with his colleagues, he didn’t expect to be immediately pulled in by the brunet sitting at the bar by himself. He also didn’t expect to be so attracted to how the light reflected off his eyes or how his lips curved when he smiled. Kompletaj tradukoj Sıradan bir gece olması gerekiyordu | |
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197 Font-lingvo Launoy and Bienvenu’s toy was a rudimentary... Launoy and Bienvenu’s toy was a rudimentary helicopter with a central shaft, corks at both ends with feathers angled to provide lift as they spun, and a bow (as in bow and arrow) drawn taut by winding its string around the shaft. Havacılığın doğuşu ve ilk kanat prototipleri üzerine yazılmış bir kitaptan alıntıdır. İçinden çıkamadım acil dönüş yapabilen olursa çok sevinirim.İyi akşamlar Kompletaj tradukoj Launoy ve Bienvenu'nun oyuncağı... | |
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