Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Traduko - Hinda-Irlanda - Sorry-translation-expert

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Kategorio TTT-ejo / Blogo / Forumo - Komputiloj / Interreto

Submetigx per cucumis
Font-lingvo: Hinda

क्षमा कीजियेगा, ये अनुवाद केवल विषेशज्ञ कर सकते हैं
Rimarkoj pri la traduko
literally - "sorry this translation can only be carried out by experts."
in hindi, saying "this translation can only be carried out by AN expert" could have the implication that the translation could only be carried out by one particular expert, since the word for the indefinite article 'a', is the same as the word for 'one'.
8 Novembro 2005 22:09