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Traduzione - Svedese-Inglese - konjunktursvackan har lett till att...

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konjunktursvackan har lett till att...
Aggiunto da hiddenforce
Lingua originale: Svedese

konjunktursvackan har lett till att universitetsutbildad ungdom i Storbritannien har svårt att hitta arbete.

The short-term downturn in the business cycle has lead to

Tradotto da pias
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

The short-term downturn in the business cycle has lead the university educated youth in England to have difficulties in finding jobs.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 17 Aprile 2008 16:03

Ultimi messaggi


17 Aprile 2008 04:36

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Hi Pia,

Minor changes.

before edition:

The short-term downturn in the business cycle has lead to that university educated youth in England has difficulties to find job.

17 Aprile 2008 12:10

Numero di messaggi: 26
Jag tycker det ska stå; "The weakening of the market has led to that those who are university educated have problems/difficulties in finding jobs."