Komm zurück mein lieber Schatz! Dreh meinen verwirrten Kopf so eine lange Trennung war nicht gewollt komm zurück mein Liebling! Ich bin von Kummer übermannt ich bin von Sehnsucht geplagt
Note sulla traduzione
1. "So eine lange Trennung war nicht gewollt" could be also translated as "so eine lange Trennung war nicht beabsichtigt"
2. The sentence "I am a flood of sorrow" means "Ich bin eine Flut von Kummer", but this sounds quite droll in german, for this reason I translated it as "Ich bin von Kummer übermannt"
My first though was to translate the sentence "I'm a flood of sorrow" as " Ich bin von Kummer geplagt" but I used "geplagt" in the last sentence. I think I could translate "I'm a flood of sorrow" also as "Ich bin Gramgebeugt" ... but I am not 100% sure.
Ultima convalida o modifica di italo07 - 29 Novembre 2008 14:13
Hi Merdogan! thank you for your comment, however in my opinion you can not translate this sentence in a one to one way, I mean, "Ich bin eine Ãœberschwemmung von den Kummern" makes no sense in German, so I think it was just sensible to look for a sentence that could mean the same.
"full of longing" means imho "von Sehnsucht geplagt sein" as in "Sehnsucht nacht etwas haben" and not "von Sehnsucht schwanger sein" ( schwanger sein = to be pregnant).
Both sentences: "Von Kummer übermannt sein" and "Von Sehnsucht geplagt sein" belong to the so called "feste Redensarten". As an Idiom, you can not translate the words as separate elements, but you have to take the whole sentece to understand the meaning.