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Translation - English-Brazilian Portuguese - Marvin Gaye: The Real Thing

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Marvin Gaye: The Real Thing
Submitted by Francisca Rodrigues
Source language: English

Marvin has got to be rated as one of the most innovative artists that God ever created. I say that not only because of songs such as "What's Goin On", "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" and "Can I Get A Witness". When I saw Marvin Gaye performance his very unique treatment of the national anthem at the NBA all-star game, I stood there and I just welled up with emotion.

Marvin Gaye: A verdade
Brazilian Portuguese

Translated by lilian canale
Target language: Brazilian Portuguese

Marvin tem que ser considerado um dos artistas mais inovadores que Deus criou. Digo isto, não apenas por canções como: "What's Goin On", "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" e "Can I Get A Witness". Quando eu vi Marvin Gaye cantar a sua versão única do hino nacional no jogo das estrelas da NBA, fiquei lá parado e os meus olhos simplesmente se encheram de lágrimas de emoção.
Remarks about the translation
Last validated or edited by goncin - 27 July 2008 00:31

Latest messages


27 July 2008 00:37

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
O nome da música está errado no texto original.
Prefiro esta versão...apesar de gostar muito de Marvin Gaye

27 July 2008 00:35

Number of messages: 3706

No "link" que você mandou, está "grapvine" ao invés de "grapevine"...

Em terra de cego, quem tem um olho...

27 July 2008 00:43

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Oh I'm just about to lose my mind...n

27 July 2008 01:17

Number of messages: 12396

27 July 2008 01:22

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Marvin rules.

27 July 2008 18:58

Number of messages: 12396
Yeah but John Fogerty wasn't bad either uh?

27 July 2008 20:34

Number of messages: 4611
Hi guys. Seems you know what MUSIC really means!!