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Translation - Portuguese-Polish - Ola meu Amor, venho por este meio dizer-te o...

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This text is available in the following languages: Portuguese

Category Thoughts - Love / Friendship

Ola meu Amor, venho por este meio dizer-te o...
Submitted by valternunes
Source language: Portuguese

Olá meu Amor, venho por este meio dizer-te o quanto estou feliz por ter uma pessoa e mulher como tu, que gosta de mim e está desse lado! És uma mulher linda, maravilhosa, carinhosa, divertida, risonha, simpática... Espero descobrir mais qualidades em Ti, se bem que estas ja são algumas!!! Adoro-te e quero-te muito, com todo o meu amor, carinho, paixão, amizade, respeito!!! Beijo doce e carinhoso

Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!
Witaj moje Kochanie, piszę, by Ci powiedzieć, że...

Translated by agako
Target language: Polish

Witaj moje Kochanie, piszę, by powiedzieć Ci, jak bardzo jestem szczęśliwy, że mam taką osobę i kobietę, jak Ty, która mnie lubi i jest przy mnie. Jesteś piekną, cudowną, czułą, zabawną, zawsze uśmiechniętą, sympatyczną kobietą... Mam nadzieję odkryć w Tobie więcej innych cech, mimo że tych kilka już znam!!! Uwielbiam Cię i bardzo Cię pragnę, całą moją miłością, czułością, pasją, przyjaźnią i szacunkiem!!! Czuły i słodki buziak
17 May 2013 16:36

Latest messages


10 April 2014 21:34

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Hi Sweety?
How are you? Long time no see...
Could you help me here with your bridge, please?

CC: Sweet Dreams

22 July 2015 10:00

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Sweety, are you out there? 😉

23 July 2015 23:25

Number of messages: 3
Yes, I am!

6 August 2016 16:48

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
@agako. Oh, I'm sorry. The post wasn't dedicated to you, but to one expert in Portuguese.



CC: Sweet Dreams

31 January 2019 03:20

Number of messages: 1227
Hi, Aneta!

Here's a bridge to help with the evaluation:

"Hello, my love. I come to tell you how much I feel happy to have this person and woman like you by my side who likes me. You are a beautiful woman, wonderful, affectionate, funny, smiley, friendly.. I hope to find out more qualities in you, although I already have discovered some of them (qualities).
I adore you and I want you so much with all my love, fondness, passion, friendship and respect.
A sweet and fond kiss

CC: Aneta B.