Εu fiquei triste por não compreender seu idioma,mas irei entrar na tradução da internet pra ver se consigo lhe entender,gostei muito de você logo que vi sua foto,parecia que eu lhe conhecia há muito tempo tu mexeu comigo homem,vou fazer de tudo pra me comunicar contigo não sou de desistir.me manda seu msn,beijo desta que está tão distante de ti...
Remarks about the translation
Z góry dziękuję za przetłumaczenie, bardzo mi na nim zależy.
I was sad cause I don't understand your language, but I'll get an internet translation to see if I can understand you, I liked you a lot as soon as I saw your picture, it seemed like I've known you for ages, you rock me, man! I'll do everything to communicate with you. I won't give up. Send me your msn, a kiss from someone who is so far away from you...
Remarks about the translation
It's a very bad text in portuguese.
Last validated or edited by kafetzou - 27 July 2007 20:21
I appreciated your suggestions
(and Francky too > Merci !! )
But I am not sure about "so that" instead of "to know if"
Because the portuguese text means: maybe s/he will understand...
But I don't know (also) if "to know if" sounds good here...
I think, the translation of "pra ver se consigo lhe entender" by " to know if I can understand you" is very correct in respect to the portuguese meaning: "se" => "if".