Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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ترجمة - تركي-انجليزي - Umarım çok iyi! Ä°yi günler!

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: بولندي مَجَرِيّتركيانجليزي

Umarım çok iyi! İyi günler!
إقترحت من طرف windancer01
لغة مصدر: تركي ترجمت من طرف Voice_M

Umarım çok iyisin! İyi günler!
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
İn the Polish sentence there is nothing, that could show us that the meaning is "I hope YOU ARE fine". We can only suggest. but with the help of our friend Nirvana06, who speaks Hungarian, the translation was changed from "Umarım çok iyi!" to Umarım çok iyisin!.

Very well I hope! Have a good day!

ترجمت من طرف turkishmiss
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Very well I hope! Have a good day!
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف Tantine - 17 تشرين الاول 2008 14:27

آخر رسائل


16 تشرين الاول 2008 00:57

عدد الرسائل: 2747

16 تشرين الاول 2008 06:37

عدد الرسائل: 9
Zdanie jest wyrwane z kontekstu ,więc trudno powiedzieć czy jest dobrze przetłumaczone.Jeśli wcześniej ta sama osoba zapytałaby :Jak się czujesz ? Mam nadzieję,że bardzo dobrze !-tłumaczenie byłoby prawidłowe.Nie wiemy jednak ,czy rozmówca nie zapytał wcześniej np.Jak się ma twój ojciec ?Wówczas tłumaczenie byłoby złe.

16 تشرين الاول 2008 12:15

Halyna Karlsson
عدد الرسائل: 26
I hope very well!
Have a good day!

16 تشرين الاول 2008 15:36

عدد الرسائل: 2747
Hi ania653n

I really don't understand why you have written in Polish (?) under a Turkish/English translation.

It is customary to use the target language (in this case English) when participating in the discussion around a translation.

Since I don't speak any Polish, I cannot take your comments into consideration. Can you explain things to me in English please?


16 تشرين الاول 2008 18:08

عدد الرسائل: 1227
Hi Tantine -

This translation is a bit confusing.

It's seems it lacks context - I gave my comments in the rejected one:

It looks like a fragment of a dialogue.
Or even when you're writing an email ?

For example, one could ask:

Jak siÄ™ czujesz? - How are you feeling?

and then this same person could say - Mam nadzieję, że bardzo dobrze!
- I hope (you are feeling) very well.

Ania says that the source text lacks context and it's difficult to tell if the text is correctly translated. In fact we can't say if one is asking about you or someone else.

Could also be

"Jak się ma twój ojciec? - How's your father?
Mam nadzieję, że bardzo dobrze - I hope he's very well.


16 تشرين الاول 2008 18:43

lilian canale
عدد الرسائل: 14972
According to Edyta's bridge:
"I hope that very well. Have a nice day!"

16 تشرين الاول 2008 22:40

عدد الرسائل: 2747
In that case it would be better to write,

"I hope that, very much."

As it reads better in English than "I hope that, very well"

Thanks everyone

Can you edit this Turkishmiss Then I will edit.


16 تشرين الاول 2008 22:57

lilian canale
عدد الرسائل: 14972
Hi Ruth,

Well actually I think it's something like:

- Did you do well on the test yesterday?
- I hope that very well.

16 تشرين الاول 2008 23:05

عدد الرسائل: 2747
In that case it would be best to put

"Very well, I hope.", it would avoid any remaining ambiguity. (I think )


17 تشرين الاول 2008 07:50

عدد الرسائل: 2132
So I edit.

17 تشرين الاول 2008 14:16

عدد الرسائل: 2747

We got there in the end.
