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ترجمة - عبري-انجليزي - גל העליה לשכונת יוספטל נמצא כרגע בעיצומו...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: عبريانجليزي

גל העליה לשכונת יוספטל נמצא כרגע בעיצומו...
إقترحت من طرف irak13
لغة مصدر: عبري

גל העליה לשכונת יוספטל נמצא כרגע בעיצומו לכן צפויים עוד ילדים רבים שיבקשו להשתלב בביה"ס ומכאן עולה הצורך בתמיכה מאסיבית המאגמת משאבים של הגורמים השונים להעצמת ביה"ס .
בשנת הלימודים תשס"ז הוכנס לביה"ס פרוייקט חדשני בשם "מופת" למצויינות התלמיד בדגש למקצוע המתמטיקה .

הפרוייקט הוכנס לתלמידי כיתה א' ואמור ללוות אותם לאורך שנות היסודי וחטיבת הביניים בהמשך ובכך להצמיח את בית הספר ואת התלמידים.

Gal, the move to the Yoseftal neighborhood is in full swing.

ترجمت من طرف dramati
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

The wave of movement to the Yoseftal neighborhood is presently in full swing and therefore it is expected that many more children will want to attend the school, and, as a result of this, there is a need to get massive support from the various bodies that can contribute to the school.

During the school year 2006-2007 a new advanced program was introduced in the school under the name of "mofet", in order to help the students excel in the field of math.

The project was introduced in the first grade and is intended to follow the students through elementary school and Jr. High, and, in this way, to both contribute to the development of the school and of the student.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
The writer of this document in hebrew had a number of Hebrew spelling errors which complicated the translation, but this is, in essence, the intention of the writer.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف kafetzou - 18 أيلول 2007 01:37

آخر رسائل


1 أيلول 2007 00:10

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Gal? Is this a name?

1 أيلول 2007 16:34

عدد الرسائل: 972
Yes, Gal is a Hebrew name.

5 أيلول 2007 20:25

عدد الرسائل: 773
Everything is ok but the first sentence. Instead of "Gal, the move" the original meant that there is an immigration to that neighborhood. Gal=wave
not a personal name like it was translated

5 أيلول 2007 20:27

عدد الرسائل: 972
Yes, that could also be the meaning. The project could be called Gal which is wave, or, in the way it is written, it could simply be a letter to someone named Gal

13 أيلول 2007 13:27

عدد الرسائل: 2
המתרגם חשב כי מדובר בשם "גל" ולא במילה ולכן תרגם אותה כשם.

13 أيلول 2007 14:10

عدد الرسائل: 12396
Sorry for my ignorance, but what's "the Yosptal"?

16 أيلول 2007 15:49

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Hebrew experts, can you help us out here?

CC: ahikamr ittaihen

17 أيلول 2007 17:19

عدد الرسائل: 51
Gal is indeed a name in Hebrew, but in this case it is definitely means "a wave" in this text.

Yosptal should be written "Yoseftal" and it is a neighborhood in the city Kefar-Sava, Israel.

I don't know exactly how it should be translated, but it means something like: "The big wave of the pilgrimage (I hope that's the right word) to the Yoseftal neighborhood... etc.".

18 أيلول 2007 01:36

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Thank you, ahikamr. I have edited the first sentence and I will accept the translation, which is very elegantly written in English.