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ترجمة - سويدي-انجليزي - Arbetade med 6 stycken boende med olika slags...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: سويديانجليزي

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Arbetade med 6 stycken boende med olika slags...
إقترحت من طرف starsteffie
لغة مصدر: سويدي

Arbetade med 6 stycken boende med olika slags beteendestörningar. Det var en upplevelse. Mycket vägledning & handräckning. Ett stort ansvar och tänkande samt att man fick ha en god självkännedom.
Mina erfarenheter efter detta vikariat är att jag blivit bättre på att bemöta människor med beteendestörning, på ett säkrare sätt. Att kunna föra en dialog med en människa som inte kan tala är även en ny erfarenhet.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة

I worked with 6 people that had different

ترجمت من طرف Kryssmynta
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

I worked with 6 people who had different kinds of behaviour disorders. It was an experience. A lot of guiding and helping. A big responsibility and thinking and you needed to have good self-awareness.
My experience after this substituting is that I have developed my skills with respect to meeting people with behaviour disorders, in a more confident way. Being able to dialogue with people who could not speak was also a new experience.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف IanMegill2 - 3 تشرين الثاني 2007 00:44

آخر رسائل


1 تشرين الثاني 2007 12:30

عدد الرسائل: 1671
Original form of the text before editing:
I worked with 6 people that had different kind of mentally disturbance. It was an experience. Much guiding and helping. A big responsibility and thinking and you needed to have a good self-knowledge.
My experience after this substitute is that I have developed my skills in meeting people with mentally disturbance, in a more self secure way. To be able to have a dialog with a human that does not speak is also a new experience.

1 تشرين الثاني 2007 15:24

عدد الرسائل: 1670
med en människa som inte kan tala = with someone who cannot speak (or would it be more correct in English to say "someone who does not speak"?)

1 تشرين الثاني 2007 16:43

عدد الرسائل: 8114
As far as I know 'mental disabilities' has to do with mental retardation. (intelligence) and beteendestörning is not always connected to intelligence. maybe it could be translated to conduct disorder or behaviour disorders

1 تشرين الثاني 2007 16:52

casper tavernello
عدد الرسائل: 5057
There's another Pia voting too: Pia Gabriella

I agree with Pia Matpigan, although it's a little bit out of the context.