Hi! I've found that kind of site. I think of occupying myself with that. What do you think? is that real? http:/***.*****.*** Write me, please, when you look it through. I'm waiting for your suggestions.
Τελευταία επικύρωση ή επεξεργασία από lilian canale - 27 Αύγουστος 2008 14:35
I am just a in doubt whether you can say "What do you think is that real?" in english and whether that is a good translation of the Russian sentence. I think it has acctually another meaning than the Russian sentence. It would be better to translate it like this: "What do you think, is that possible?" I would also like to put a plural-s in the end of "suggestion": "I'm waiting for your suggestions" (Can't explain why in this case...)
From my point of view "Как Ñ‚Ñ‹ думаешь Ñто реально?" question not only about possibility but also about actuality. That's why I used word "real".
OK, Lilly, I'l try.
Russian word "реально" may be translate like "possible" with meaning "capable of being realized" and also like "real" with meaning "not illusive or fraudulent". I think that "real" is closer to the context than "possible".