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원문 - 아라비아어 - اهي كلمه بها أحساس بها معنى بها ...

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اهي كلمه بها أحساس بها معنى بها ...
번역될 본문
Deshk에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 아라비아어

اهي كلمه بها أحساس بها معنى بها ذمه..

تموت الكلمه في صدري وتنقتل بما فيها..

ولأني اقولها لأنسان وهي في الأصل
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Коментарий к профилю пользователя
Сирийский диалект
2009년 5월 22일 01:09

마지막 글


2009년 9월 5일 11:49

게시물 갯수: 568
Hello Siberia
So you are a new Russian expert here
Welcome and I hope you enjoy your Cocu-experience here
Sorry it took me quite so long to reply but actually I was thinking about this text and I didn't know how to put that in English
Also, the last sentence doesn't seem to be complete
Anyway, I'll give an interpretation:
It is a word that is sensational,meaningful and conscientious (do not ask me how! probably it comes from ones conscience)
The word dies in my chest, gets killed with all the meanings it carried (these meanings are most likely the sensation, meaning and conscience he earlier talked about)
And because I'm saying it to a human when in fact...(incomplete)
Let's say that was a bit of a litteral translation. Sorry, I couldn't provide any better one
Have a good day

CC: Siberia