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번역 - 터키어-영어 - Bütün yatırımcıların amacı

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 터키어영어

분류 신문

Bütün yatırımcıların amacı
tiggifer에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 터키어

Bütün yatırımcıların amacı, olabildiğince az risk alarak kar elde etmektir.Yatırımcıların, yatırım kararları verirken karşılaştıkları en büyük sorunlardan biri, eldeki fonların yatırım alternatifleri arasında nasıl dağıtılacağı olmaktadır. Yatırım alternatifleri arasından seçim yapılırken doğru karar verilebilmesi için, yatırım yapılmak istenen varlıkların beklenen getirilerinin yanı sıra risklerinin de bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda, menkul kıymet getirilerini, piyasa getirisiyle açıklamaya çalışan Sermaye Varlıklarını Fiyatlandırma Modeli, gerek yatırım alternatiflerinin beklenen getirilerini ve risklerini tahminlemesi, gerekse toplam risklerinin sistematik ve sistematik olmayan risk olarak ayrıştırabilmesi açısından faydalı olmaktadır.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Sermaye Varlıklarını Fiyatlandırma Modeli=Capital asset pricing teory


yagmurr에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

The aim of all investors is to make a profit while taking risks that are as low as possible. One of the main problems the investors encounter while making investment decisions is how to allocate the existing funds among investment alternatives. In order to make the right choice from investment alternatives, it is important to know the expected return on the assets as well as the risks of the investment. In this regard, Capital asset pricing theory, which tries to explain security proceeds with market proceed, is helpful both to estimate the expected proceeds and risks of the investment alternatives, and also to separate the total risk into systematic and nonsystematic risks.
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2011년 8월 24일 18:57

마지막 글


2011년 8월 19일 13:42

게시물 갯수: 3389
Hi yagmurr

Wow, that is a difficult text! I made some minor edits; please let me know if you don't agree. In some cases, I think the Turkish text may be using more words than the English text needs. Below is your original translation. I have set a poll to get some other people's input

The aim of all the invertors is to gain profit by taking risks as low as possible. One of the main problems the investors encounter while making a decision is how to allocate the existing funds among investment alternatives. While making choice among investment alternatives in order to make the right decision, it is important to know the expected proceeds of the assets, desired to make investment, as well as the risks. In this regard, Capital asset pricing theory, which tries to explain security proceeds with market proceed, is helpful in terms of both to estimate the expected proceeds and risks of the investment alternatives, and also to decompose the risks as of systematic and nonsystematic.

2011년 8월 19일 15:25

게시물 갯수: 3389
Oh, something just occurred to me: is it (as it is now) 'by taking risks that are as low as possible' (meaning: this is the way they make their profits) or would it be better to say 'while taking risks that are as low as possible'? (meaning they want to make a profit, but at the same time keep the risks low)

Thank you!

2011년 8월 19일 17:09

게시물 갯수: 3
Hi Lein
Oh,I totally agree with you. Thanks for your correction and editing of the text.

2011년 8월 19일 17:22

게시물 갯수: 3389

2011년 8월 20일 12:48

게시물 갯수: 3769
Dear yagmurr,
Is it really your own translations?
If yes, congratulations.

2011년 8월 21일 12:15

게시물 갯수: 3
Yes, it is. Thanks for your interest.

2011년 8월 21일 20:28

게시물 갯수: 3769

2011년 8월 21일 21:52

게시물 갯수: 3

2011년 8월 24일 16:50

게시물 갯수: 1331
"while making a decision" -> while making investment decisions