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번역 - 폴란드어-영어 - Ten artykuÅ‚ odnosi siÄ™ do Å›w. Justyna, który byÅ‚...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 폴란드어영어

Ten artykuł odnosi się do św. Justyna, który był...
cwirek에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 폴란드어

Ten artykuł odnosi się do św. Justyna, który był jednym z Ojców Kościoła, jednym z pierwszych chrześcijańskich filozofów i greckich apologetów i który także został męczennikiem rodzącej się wiary chrześciajńskiej w Cesarstwie Rzymskim. We wstępie jest ukazane jak to u początków chrześcijaństwa widzimy wrogą postawę ze strony Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, jak i Żydów, chrześcijanie są ośmieszani i skazywani na śmierć. Chrześcijaństwo ławo rozprzestrzeniało się na zhellenizowanych terenach Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, co było ułatwione przez wspólną kulturę,
język, a nowa religia, czerpała z niej pobficie.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항

This article refers to St. Justin...

Aneta B.에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

This article refers to St. Justin, who was one of the Church Fathers, one of the first Christian philosophers and Greek apologists and also a martyr for the Christian faith which spread throughout the Roman Empire. The preface shows us a hostile attitude of both the Roman Empire and the Jews towards Christianity at its very beginning. Christians were being stultified and sentenced to death. Christianity spread easily throughout hellenized areas of the Roman Empire, which was made easier by a common culture and a common tongue, because the new religion drew much inspiration from them.
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2012년 1월 31일 15:25

마지막 글


2012년 1월 27일 17:03

게시물 갯수: 3389
Hi Aneta

I added three or so articles and slightly rephrased the last sentence so it sounds a bit more natural in English.

I think 'draw' is not wrong here, but it sounds unusual in this case. Would 'appeal' work for you?

In case you want to compare, here is your translation before edits:

This article refers to St. Justin, who was one of the Church Fathers, one of the first Christian philosophers and Greek apologists and also a martyr for Christian faith which spread throughout the Roman Empire. The preface shows us a hostile attitude of both Roman Empire and Jews towards Christianity at its very beginning. Christians were being stultified and sentenced to death. Christianity spread easily throughout hellenized areas of the Roman Empire, what was easier thanks to a common culture and a common tongue, because the new religion had a huge draw on them.

2012년 1월 27일 18:00

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487
Hi Lein,
Thanks for taking care of my translation and your always welcome "polishing" and advice.

You know, I'm not sure if "appeal" may work for the last sentence.

I have translated: "the new religion had a huge draw on them", because the meaning is very similar to the following sentence: "Writers often draw on their own experience".
"draw on"/"to have a draw on" as "use", "derive"...

If you don't like this my version, what would you say about:

...the new religion derived from them very much.(them=Roman culture and tongue)?

2012년 1월 27일 18:51

게시물 갯수: 3389
Ah, I see - I had interpreted this as 'the religion had a strong draw / puill on them.

how about 'relied heavily on them'?

No, maybe too strong. Maybe 'was very much / highly influenced by these'?

Or, rephrasing, 'these had a big influence on it'?

This feels like brainstorming - over to you again!

2012년 1월 27일 18:57

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487
the new religion drew much inspiration from them?

2012년 1월 27일 19:15

게시물 갯수: 3389

2012년 1월 27일 19:18

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487