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번역 - 독일어-영어 - Info über Attac International

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Info über Attac International
attac-org에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 독일어


Attac International ist keine formale Organisation, sondern ein Netzwerk.

Attac International hat einige internationale Galionsfiguren wie Susan George, aber kein eigenes Büro. Attac International kommuniziert über Mailinglisten oder Telefon, nimmt an den großen Treffen der sozialen Bewegungen (z. B. Weltsozialforen oder Europäische Sozialforen) teil und organisiert internationale Attac Konferenzen.

AnsprechpartnerInnen für die internationale Attac-Arbeit sind aber die nationalen Attac-Gruppen.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Dies ist eine Information für Personen, die auf die internationale Attac-Seite gehen und glauben, dass diese eine eigene Organisation ist. Da liegen sie nämlich falsch.

Attac International

ja.goris에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어


Attac International is not a formal organization, but a network.

Attac International has several international key figures such as Susan George, but not its own office. Attac International communicates by means of mailinglists or telephone, participates in the large meetings of social movements (e.g. worldwide social forums or European social forums) and organizes international Attac conferences.

Contact partners for the international Attac activities, however, are the national Attac groups.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
The word 'Sozialfor' was not in the dictionary, but the Attac website mentions forums. I presume 'forum' is the correct terminology.
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2013년 3월 26일 13:19

마지막 글


2013년 3월 25일 17:10

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
I don't understand the last sentence.

2013년 3월 25일 17:44

게시물 갯수: 2
It means that the people should contact the attac groups in the different countries and not the attac-international "website".
The website (with this text on it ) is only publishing the work of the national attac groups and what they altogether agree on.
I receive a lot of job applications

You can find the site here